Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear God

Dear God. I accept that everything is a divine plan and all moments are part of life's beautiful puzzle. But God please grant mercy on the stagnating moments, when time stands still and loss of will hovers, please give a blanket of warm peace. With the creeping second hand on the antagonizing clock takes an eternity to move, can you fill that time with cherished memories and beautiful dreams. Please allow sight to be vivid, aromas to be ecstasy, sounds to be beautiful, and let the surrounding air be silk and cashmere.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Front lines of humility

Being humbled by incredible life circumstances makes life's journey more fine tuned. Direction seems more tangible, less guessing more knowing. Being on the front lines of humility gives dormant strength an adrenaline wake up. Tired courage is now a drill Sargent. Stepping up facing deepest darkest fears straight in the eyes, giving unwavering persistence and unconditional love. The full spectrum of light expands beyond imagination.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We choose to be broken or we choose to be whole. We are powerful and we can choose to accept our power or choose advocate it. We have everything we need to complete ourselves. We are strength. We are divine. We are...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tomorrow's future is vivid, tangible and guided with heart

Deep trance methodical visions of tomorrow are fine tuned with many lessons graced upon from yesterday. Tomorrow's future is vivid, tangible and guided with heart. Yesterdays lessons give needed growth, and powerful confidence. Working off ego's attachments and staying in true balance is a very fine line, but as more tomorrows are passed, the line is walked with ease. Harmony is only inhaled when tranquility is found. Haste and anticipation are shadows and acknowledged. Learning to love and not loathe the extremes; and loving the full spectrum of light by allowing self to fully surrender...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Living for love, and loving to live

Living for love, and loving to live. I am the future of what is to be, so I need to be the me I want the future to see. Creating precious moments every step of the way, so my way keeps creating steps for moments to be.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The continuum of solar symphony remix plays on

There is beauty in experiencing the emotional highest peaks to the lowest valley depths. Each new extreme is a gift. Large collections gather like mini solar systems within. The maintenance of cycles leaves harmonious orbits in sync. Cycles within cycles, orbits waiting to write a melody within. Each go round gathers new notes adding to lifes song. Each high note adds to the emotional gift collection with in. All these wondrous melodies collecting new notes with rhythms becoming more and more in sync and finding your climatic journey to what might seem like an end, to find yourself at the new paths beginning. The continuum of the solar symphony remix plays on.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oregon what a beautiful state

So grateful and privileged for the views around me. So grateful for the abundance it feeds my sole. Grateful for Scappoose Express Lane Coffee and having the 12 days of Christmas and 50th person gets a free coffee!!! Yeah for a free cup of Joe! Grateful for Word for Words Bookstore in St. Helens for selling our jewelry. Grateful for Scappoose Biggest Looser and Mineral Sisters being a sponsor, and the amazing response of the community. Grateful for the growing consciousness of Scappoose keeping the earth green. What a fantastic community. Oregon is awesome on every level.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blind dilated sight

When we have faith does that mean we are 100% sure? Or is there a possibility of steps along the bridge missing? When crossing new terrain with a pulse, and blind dilated sight, is faith the tour guide. Where are we going? Prancing parallel mazes, stopping to curtsy at corners, then energizing self for next go round. Controlled silence wills calm stillness of winds breath. Tickles of soft secrets give the melody, and the journey harmonizes, and faith leads to the next chorus.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Courage is faith in action...

Honor the courage and strength of your own spirit. It is necessary to continue traveling the road you have chosen, and to face with wisdom whatever challenges life brings. Anyone who has been sorely tested -- suffered through the death of a loved one, been critically ill, recovered from an addiction or broken the silence of spousal abuse -- knows well the courage it takes to heal. The insight from these transforming experiences gives us hope and teaches us that the reward for courage is wisdom.

If it is your past that troubles you, know that the past is often healed by a courageous heart and mind.

Courage lies between Acceptance and Prayer. If you react to the present situation with panic or denial, there is no place for courage to take hold. If a challenge in front of you feels overwhelming, think upon those who have faced great adversity with grace, and pray for their example to inspire you.

Time and again, the true test of courage is to live rather than to die, to survive the challenge and complete our healing. There is intimacy with the Divine arising from the small brave acts that help us through each day.

Reach out and ask for help. Taking the risk of reaching out is one of those brave acts of daily courage. Let the cycle of sorrow and pain finally come to an end. Be at peace with your healing. We have walked the path of true courage; now is the time to go out in the world and live the life we were born to live.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

let the divine shine

Many infulences on society guide masses to an outcome that fits a select few views. Regulations and structrue of society is now just a habbit.

What if... What if there was a news channel that ran all day. This channel was pure humanitarian work. Stories of people doing good deeds. Real people doing real things. Showing the world there is so much goodness going on. If advertisement must be, then advertisements should be based on community service, homeless shelters, fund raisers, animal shelters and activities that better the world around you.

What if parents, grand parents and caregivers delved into the school system. What if more learning was hands on activities. Actively participating in real life scenarios. Field trips to learn about nature, science, history, art and music. Why do we cut the beautiful parts out first of children's learning. Music and art seem to go first, when for most children that is what they most look forward too. We all learn so differently why is our learning so structured? Why cant we structure and grow to individual students.

What if health care reached everyone. If health insurance is needed why are there so many restrictions? Who chooses what is covered? Who chooses how they are going to get sick? Why are we restricted on specific doctors, hospitals, and type of care needed? We all heal differently. All chemistry in our bodies are different and many meds are just a guessing game playing with the side effects and covering the real reason of illness instead of going to the root causes. So much money goes to these colossal pharmaceutical companies and will continue to do so if we keep covering up the real disease. Layer upon layer is laid, so layer upon layer needs to be healed. So many healing modalities are available and unknown.
We must heal ourselves before we can heal the world. Learning to overcome self destructive patterns and behaviors cleans us from the inside out. Hypothesis of lessons graced upon: let the divine really know they shine...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

From Path of Empowerment...

Information or beliefs that are foisted upon you do not represent the entire picture of reality; therefore, you often live your life on one avenue of existence, all the while missing out on a myriad of untold opportunities because accepting limiting beliefs is like wearing a staightjacket all of your life. Your innermost core beliefs determine the direction of your life; they are played out daily and distributed by way of your thoughts and attitudes. People who choose the avenue of fear do not see another fork in the road - their beliefs literally function as blinders, overshadowing and eliminating every other possible and probable option, path, or solution. Your beliefs condition and qualify the space that surrounds you, creating an electromagnetic imprint that ultimately serves to attract all of your life experiences.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Radiance of evolution

To be or not to be that is the question... what? to be what? Transpiring radiance of evolution gives new rationalizing theories. Being the horizon just beyond the river bend raises curiosity and keeps time and momentum moving forward. The color of curiosity changes and glows than pulls. Being transparent to most, and a tugboat to less. Hyperventilating with anticipation. This well of the universe comes full circle. Galaxies cycles want to be known. How many ways can the same thing be thrown on the train tracks. How many secrets can be handed down in history on a silver platter. How many dreams can we have tripping memories and guiding our path. New higher consciousness allows a better understanding of true allegorical meanings of past present and future.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Connecting the growing waters of life

What a gift and true treasure family is. What a gift genuine friendships are. To see the strength of compassion, and be witness to what love really has to offer is priceless. Being aware of such power that true hearts essence has to offer is beautiful. Goodness in people reaches deep within and continues to pour and lay streams that connect to rivers that leads to oceans. I feel all these streams and rivers of love filled with compassion playing Marco Pollo. These streams will connect, and rivers will continue to carve paths. More and more rivers will meet and the strength will be uncomprehendable. The growing current is a magnet of divine bliss and only goodness it will attract. The power of love is growing pacing its self. Little by little connections are met. Learning to be the strength, and flowing with these powerful waters is talent, hoping soon that there will be no second thought and it will all be natural. Starting with family and friends gives the building blocks of connection and creating a unique stream, that will add to the growing waters of life. Life is beautiful.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Using pure heart gives the most radical beginnings

Thoughts keep this treading a reality. Energy wasted on changing tides, and the flow of what is supposed to be is. Inspiration is the fading sunset. Hope is the beginning of a new cycle with powerful intentions for infinite bliss. Grace is the forest fire after the earthquake. Harmony plays peek-a-boo and leaves pondering wonders. Using pure heart gives the most radical beginnings.
It takes one individual, one idea, one leap of faith. If it is supposed to be it will. It takes earned courage, true selflessness, manifesting one love and finding your true indenity. It takes your discernment on who you choose in your life- do they make you a better person and have a good heart with sincere intentions? Or do they dim your light? We need be aware of situations, people and ideas that always add to the light.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Treasure is on the shoreline

The sun will always shine if you allow it too. You can choose to touch the rays and bask in the energising warmth. You are provided for if you have a open and grateful heart. Life is precious and a gift. What a miracle, to be able to live and experience. What a miracle to be able to smell the flowers, feel the wind, and look back on collective memories. No one can take memories or moments away, they are yours to keep and treasure. What a miracle to be able to experience emotions.

Treasures are lined along the shore, we do not need to dive, we do not need a metal detector. Brilliance is seen from afar. Wading in the ocean of life pushes us on our journey, then pulls us back until grateful for the lesson learned. The next wave is always bigger, but never over our head. Sometimes the under current is so strong but I know will of self is stronger. Learning to gracefully flow with the lessons of life and taking it one wave at a time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

By living, REALLY living life, wisdom blossoms

Why I appreciate you in my life... You blink and all clouds move from above my head. You add inspiration and light to life. "be yourself because everyone is already taken" - When we discover who we are, we can add a great uniqueness. It takes everyone's wholeness and individuality to complete one love. "Don't let the past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you become." In every trial and tribulation overcome, incredible growth of self happens. By living, really living life, and overcoming adversities, wisdom blossoms and you start to know your own truth. "Glory is in the attempt."
Thank you all for being an amazing part of this exponentially blossoming flower. Thunderstorms, great floods, and typhoons have almost uprooted this delicate flower. In all its delicateness the roots are firmly planted now, and no matter how large the storm may be, the sun is always remembered because of the light you shine...

Dedicated to Shelly, Brad and Mindy

Friday, December 3, 2010

Attitude is the barometer of well being

Attitude is the barometer of well being, and gratitude is the grace of spirit. Allowing the cloud to dissipate and sun to be free, allows the radiance to be guided through any storm. Lightning is my powerful liaison.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let peace be the heartbeat

Perception of independence is when titanic hits the iceberg. Creating this frosted window, screaming for the sun to notice the frozen terrain. In an ignored corner, a beacon wills father sun to smile, for that split second peace is known again. To find this center, peace has to be the heartbeat, and love has to be the courage of blood, flowing through envious veins. Willing love to find a way, beacuse love WILL find a way.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Infinite well of gratitude and grace

Time to organize, recollect and be the bucket of the infinite well of gratitude and grace. Having faith that everything is divine timing and the courage to look beyond for lessons being graced upon. I am grateful, I am learning, I am.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Choices tainted by woven roots anchor growth

Ignorance seduces the silent master; Eagles freedom isn't felt and embraced until first flight, justification is shadow.

If most religions/faith believe and celebrate the same principles of love, do on to others, do good, love your neighbor as yourself; doesn't it seem the medley, combined higher good is common denominator? Christian, Catholic, Kabbolist, Buddhist and so on, has a melting pot, a central purpose of being. Believing in a higher purpose for mankind. Wars based on religion going on for centuries will never end because all are right and wrong at the same time. There is a higher a good and purpose; and war with fighting is not the answer, there will never be common ground with war because the driven force of war is the shadow of the very purpose why it was engaged. Accepting the good, and only the good of love of all religions gives the keys to the answers most questioned. Love will find a way because in the end love does conquer all. New questioning eager generations are being born. Bright, direct, and sincere. Fixing and guiding many journeys and paths gracefully, to a tranquil reality to be.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

We are all given infinate choices its called free will

Choices... we are all given infinite choices its called free will. Do all our paths really lead to the same finish, same predestined finally? Are the lessons really needed along the way?

Choosing paths of "right" or "wrong" and riding the wave of syncronistic sociological schedules and time lines suffocate. Repelling the agitating and discriminating, and giving hang gliding lessons to the curious and radiating.

Forging through with trusted truth, and being the finish and starting line all at once. Trusting being all chords, and only one vibration, all inclusive; solitaire, racing infinity and nothingness. Deep dives awaken sleeping galaxies. Open eyes are dull and give an elusive reality of wanted thoughts. Once known sight dims, the Lotus fight for survival unlocks the ball and chain.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Foreseen aftermath tranquility is promised. Constant cycles play tag. Hide and seek of human polarities play a magic trick. Rewind... fast forward... pause... Imagination leads to new creation. Gratitude feeds the 90% not being touched. Embracing, growing, and gracefully accepting the rapid confusion. Directing focus gives the seed super growth. Stunted is non existent, and full potential is all that is known.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If everyone is a reflection of you...

The people in our life... Who makes us smile? Who makes our heart soar? Who makes us laugh? Who makes us comfortable?

What is it about certain situations, places and people? Sometimes we are faced with ourselves on many levels. We are looking in a mirror to heal a part of our sole. We choose our situations.

Space and surroundings evoke emotions... peaceful and tranquil (like Mineral Sisters :) ) important and proper (like the white house), nervous and agitated (like a fire alarm going off) How often do we create, or go to a space that gives us the emotions we want to feel? Do we clutter our space like our lives? Do we let our space breathe and flow?

How often do we do something for us? How often do we take off our superficial "protection". Do we leave situations and people that don't make us the best people possible? Do we stop negative conversations and drama before they start? Do we think ahead of possible outcomes for our actions and words? We all are a part of something amazing. We can make this amazing better and be a part of it. Or we can make this amazing less than that... create you own...


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Be the lions roar

Stagnant society traditions implode and ricochet, the rebounds are caught by few. The growing consciousness is powerful and beautiful. Love does conquer all. Shaping future, for future, my future. Creating that utopia, being the vision, stepping forward and digging for the courage that has been bruised and battered. Determined this curious courage is, to wake up and be the lions roar.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Phantom isolation

Reaching deep to heal tender emotions, the phantom isolation. Feelings of aloneness are a vail and you pick the depth and layers. Stirred latent emotions rise one by one, faster and faster, rescued and healed with new understanding. Choking with all might, digging deep to find a spark of genuine gratitude. Once the spark ignites the river overflows with ease. Naturally without thought, true self develops and radiates an atomic bomb of love. Particles drift sweetly to infinity and generations inhale the spark and remembrance. Dreams prepare, syncronisities remind and stillness finds clarity.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

To the class today...

Amazing you are... healers to the very essence of being. Trials and strife's are the foundation for compassion. Each path of healing so very different, but leads to the journey of love and self. So guided, and healing will take place in unexpected ways. Every breath a new path is given, let your heart guide; release toxic situations, people and thoughts, bring in true happiness. Through stillness and thought you will guide yourself. You are a shining light, leader, teacher and neighbor. See your reflection in others and let the syncrinisities be seen. Thank you... It is an honor to be in your presence, and so much was learned.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

You cant stand at the pole and equator at the same time, you must choose your lines; mine will be color: Vincent Van Gough

Describing emotions, feelings unexplainable, never once whispered; only brought from flying in an awake dream but eyes closed. A life of clue, all described with color. In cocooned shimmering silver, golden fireworks blind the non blinding. Aqua and glowing chartreuse spheres are racing invisible existence.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dancing with life lessons...

Cognitive of new awareness from growth, exploded with a profound new perception. Dancing with life lessons and following the curious stream to the ocean of gratitude. Maintaining line of sight of light within myself forces whirlwinds, tidal waves and earthquakes to circumvent my guiding lighthouse. Being present in all situations and forging through extremes gains true abundance.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Exploding Inspiration

Whistle... Sing... Hummm....
Skip... Hop... Run...
Donate... Recycle... Give...
Listen... Stretch.... Breathe....
Love... Communicate... Embrace...
Pray... Give thanks... Be...
Finding Peace within, sharing and caring. Believing and being true. Diligently living. Creating a sacred space. Empowerment of self worth. Beautiful surroundings with open eyes. Revival and growth harnessing exploding inspirations. Enchanting melodies resonate and rejuvenate...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Be the inspiration in your life

Create the world around you. Be the inspiration in your life, be truth, be beauty and most of all be you. A square will fit in a round box if you you choose. Stand tall and proud with your sailboat, and be one in the endless waters of opportunity. Let the winds of faith lead you to your personal treasure chest.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Listen with your heart...

When we use our heart to embrace newness, newness we will find. Our personal compass and antenna within is always accurate. We are the only ones who can find it. We are the only ones who choose. See with our whole soul, remember with sweet dreams. Love and remembrance is filtering always.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes.

~Marcel Proust

When acknowledged and embraced, the abundance of seducing purification by jovial waters guarantees enchantment. The grandest mountain is formed by gentle persistence. Patience guide determination, and compassion willfully dances and solidifies strength.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the power of true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms-this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness. ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Jill~

Birthday wishes for you...

Love... Peace... Happiness...

I am so proud of you for consistently keeping your faith and creating an amazing world around you.

Infinite beauty will surround you always.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun stuff

So much gratitude today. Relaxation and rejuvenation seem to be key.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” Albert Einstein

Life is one big research project. Always changing, always learning. The more we do and learn, the more we do and learn.

To sit... To breathe...

Every moment is a reconnection to our soul essence.

When we truly look within, what will we find?

This is an individual question with a universal answer...


Love surrounds our everyday. Love is life.

Embrace the love within you and around you.

Growing universal love begins with one step...

Yours - Mine - Ours

Friday, November 5, 2010

Trust & Gratitude Everyday~

Trust can be your restoration. The rebuilding of belief in yourself, in your life and, in your relationship with the Divine. Faith is not belief without proof, but rather trust without reservation, and that trust, when cared for and respected, encourages the self to blossom.

Practice gratitude each day for the blessings you receive. Be thankful for the love in your heart, and the willingness to walk the path of healing. Be grateful that you find yourself in the company of people who are supportive of your life. Wherever you find yourself on your path, be grateful even for the things you are unable to change, for they are your teachers.

Wherever you find beauty - in acts of kindness by another, or in the ripple of sunlight on water - practice gratitude.

There is calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quite joy.

Practice gratitude each morning when the sun comes up. And every evening when the sun goes down, practice gratitude.

~may peace, love and light be with us all~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Anything is possible with a heart full of Love

With what I find within myself is most important. Little by little I find inner peace and myself. Not resisting the inner transformation and focusing on directing my thoughts to the greater good unfolds a new path on my journey everyday. I desire inner peace, I desire that god shine a light for me to follow. I desire goodwill and fortune to all who seek it. Illumination is all around and gets brighter, and I embrace the joy in my life. I will achieve my objectives with faith and strength and keep moving forward. I will fully embrace good company with an open heart. I respect myself and the needs within, and embrace my capabilities with grace and gratitude. Life is a gift in difficult times, and the most abundant of times: I treasure both, and learn from them equally. My past lessons provide me with the strength I need now. I have the strength to overcome anything with all the love in my heart.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Letting go

Letting go. Releasing. Any emotion, relationship, addiction or activity that does not make you a better person, or that does not fulfill you, or helps you grow; let it go. When you release negativity, saddness or anger you will fill that will love and true essence of yourself. You will fill the new space inside yourself with 10x's more positive energies and beauty. So the more you release and forgive with your heart and compassion you grow infinitely more.

Monday, November 1, 2010

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Winston Churchill

Courage and truth comes in many forms. Our true self shines when in the moment of moments you follow yourself. You lead your path. You speak your truth. Courage is following your heart and allowing yourself to listen.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Works of love are works of peace - Mother Theresa


A lot of people wonder about select services, my truth of a description for Reiki: Meditating with love. When we sleep at night our body heals its self. Reiki puts you in a relaxed state that allows your body to heal. Reiki is not some magic end all be all cure, it is complimentary to any life style, its pure love. A hug is healing, a conversation is healing, touch is healing. Reiki is just part of another beautiful healing part. With Reiki only love and good can come from it. - Remember this is just one truth of a description.

Afrimation: I will make someone smile today. I can do anything I put my mind to. I love myself enough to take care of me.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

All we need is a little time...

Why do we see/blink? Maybe we are given a chance to look at things with a fresh new start, with every blink is a reminder to "open our eyes" look at people, the world and situations through a new set of eyes. Why do we inhale, exhale/breathe. Every breath is a new chance to speak thankfulness for everything we experience, a new chance to let: best friends, strangers, elders, brothers, sisters, newbies, rich, poor, anyone know how much they are valued, to let others know right now they are making a difference. Why does time pass? Maybe time passes because every second we are supposed to move forward. Every time we see a person time has moved. We are not the same person we were even just 20 seconds ago. We are not to judge, every time we see a person it should be with new eyes and new beginnings. Change has occurred.

Affirmation: I am going to do a good deed today. I will help a stranger today. I will be in a good mood and Love unconditionally to every person I meet.

Friday, October 29, 2010

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Mahatma Gandhi

Today is going to be an adventure. I will learn new things about myself. I will meet interesting people. I will only engage in positive conversations. I will be aware of my feeling and acknowledge them, and be true to myself.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Successful Day Today

Waking up. Stretching. Deep breathing. Deciding and choosing to smile. Deciding to laugh at least 25 times today. Big laughs. Deciding to make healthy food choices. I am going to have a very successful day. I am going to be an artist, jewelry designer, healer, best friend, great mother, song writer, movie writer, poet, leader, house cleaner, chef, princess, visionary, painter, garden designer all today. I will not hurry myself, I will take every moment to enjoy all the aspects of myself.

Affirmation: I am kind. I am patient. I am a good person. I do good for others. I help make the world a better place.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Raw and Exposed

Raw and exposed. Emotions so fragile that are tarnished and wilted. What are emotions? What makes us feel? Why do we feel? What makes the soul dance and heart soar? How can we empathize and be compassionate if we are not in touch with ourselves.

Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.

Peter McWilliams

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”


If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

- Andrew Carnegie

Emotions are confusing, letting ourselves actually feel the emotion puts our soul in such venerability that its scary to admit to yourself: I'm sad. I'm mad. I'm jealous. I'm miserable. I'm not ok. I'm tired. I think recognizing your true raw self is a good place to start. Its almost taboo to let people know your true feeling, fear of rejection, ridicule or non-acceptance. I would make a bet if we put ourselves in a situation to expose our naked raw emotions people would actually empathize more, and feel the more real you. There are no right or wrong emotions, its just what is. Figuring why we feel the way we do is another thing...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be” George Sheehan

Reaching the stars, moving mountains, or whatever your dream may be, its yours to have. Never let anything stand in your way. It is within you to creatively solve any problem. If you can look at all situations as opportunities, it helps create a new mindfulness. Live your life to the fullest, no dream is too big.

Positive affirmation: I have enough passion within myself to achieve anything. I trust myself to make the right decisions. I will take care of me. I will treat others how I want to be treated.

Monday, October 25, 2010

So much to gave thanks for...

So much gratitude I don't know where to start. Thank you for making this dream come true. Thank you to the amazing practitioners. Thank you to every person walking in the door, reading our blog, and sending well wishes. Thank you to every situation and person along the way to make this possible. Thank you to the other locations who want Mineral Sisters products and services. Thank you for inspiring others to help their dreams. Thank you to the best biz partner ever - Mindy you rock- Thank you for all the amazing things happening so fast, people met, and not one minute is taken for granted. It just started with jewelry and grew into this amazing group of services, people and heart. Every person, product and service seems to fit so well. Couldn't have picked it better. So much love to all involved making this possible...

Positive affirmation: I love today. I love my life. I love, and have faith in what the future holds.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our personal sword in the stone

We all have our personal "sword in the stone" finding our strength in personal convictions, truth and love sets this sword free. Heart conscious soles see with ease. Allowing the unknown and having complete faith in goodness, light, and love allows one's sword to be lifted with ease. New sensations welcomed and embraced without a missed rhythmic, or startled quickened breath. Getting to know yourself and the longing for wanting and knowing more is part of some. New known unheard melodies raise curiosity and conscious familiar awareness in stillness. Separation from minds only known "protective" shell leads to hints of better understanding and infinite more questions. The more you try to understand the less you know. When no effort is shown the easier it comes. Let yourself take you where you want to go, let yourself tune into what you want to listen too, and take yourself on the journey you want to explore. Every path is the right path.

Positive affirmation: I am healthy and will continue to make healthy decisions. I will listen with my heart, and see infinite beauty in everything. I will choose today to feel amazing. Im choosing to make my heart soar.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Infinite Beauty

Learning to love our own individuality, and letting ourselves blossom is a gift. Accepting the perfect non perfection is self love. Living is beautiful, learning to recognize beauty in all forms and situations is growth. There is so much beauty in the memories of past lessons. Choosing to grow from them is our choice. All moments are choices, and we create the outcome. Think beautifully, and life will be beautiful; there is infinite beauty....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

balance and being

Mother earth humms secrets in her lullabies. Newly recycled survival of the fittest energies are setting new precedences every moment. The intensity is felt but mostly ignored. Finding your spot to listen, and thankfulness is key.

Mother earth nourishes while giving a calm rejuvenation. Suns warming essence kisses the sole and blesses the growing aura. The melodic tranquil space all around inspires goodness and grace. Birds sing in nostalgia, and waltz to their love beating throughout their hearts. Past and future are non existent when being. Breathing in beauty; feeling the powerfully beautiful aroma from sun bathing berries, and new budding flowers, interests the goddess within. Vibrations from spirit keep this dream state a perfect reality. Wise trees share secrets, while their deep growing roots tickling mother earth. In turn she loves and nourishes unconditionally. Great joy is always felt and treasured, and reciprocated throughout the web. New energies always welcomed with an abundance of love and open arms. No need to find your place, because where you are, is, supposed to be, if you go, there you are. All perfect, all divine, no complications; just balance and being.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Learning to learn. Learning to be. Learning to listen to be. Changes and the process of learning to be. External influences are a minor setback to the internal neglect. Believe in yourself; believing in the happiness and goodness in others is a reflection of genuine discernment of the future to be. Living joyfully is a journey, a fine balance to keep constant. Once found keeps the motivation and desire fully alive.

affirmation: I CAN - I WILL- I AM --- ALL WITH HEART

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Positive snowball effect!!

Forgive and forget... do we ever really forget? At what point when we say we forgive do we really mean it? If we think about it again and have any adversity or negative connotations associated with the emotion brought out, did we really forgive? Or did we just give peace of mind and the knowingness of the words I forgive to the individuals involved, including ourselves? Life lessons come in all forms, emotionally, physically, socially, situations, thoughts, dreams, conversations; really every moment is a lesson being made or learned. Change is always constant, and when we apply that to "like attracts like"- the change in ourselves is also consistently changing- the like in ourselves is attracting the like in every moment. Its like a snowball effect. On our good days the like can explode with amazing situations, amazing people, mind blowing and thought provoking moments. The same snowball effect can go the other way. But if we can change our reactions towards our circumstances and situations, and be grateful for the challenge and opportunities presented, and be in constant awareness of true forgiveness and gratitude we can live in the the "positive snowball effect".

Positive affirmation of the day: I am intelligent. I am a leader. I make good decisive decisions. I am confident, and know I am beautiful inside and out!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


2 years ago today, I almost left this world. Who could have known that a crazy allergy and "random" meeting at an acupuncture clinic could have brought such an amazing friend into my life.

Thank you for always being so AMAZING!! Thank you for being a shining star in my life when I need it!! Thank you for always supporting me!! Thank you for always being there!! Thank you for the hours of therapy!! Thank you for your BEAUTIFUL paintings!! Thank you for understanding me!! Thank you for being my friend....


Sunday, October 10, 2010


Random thought... interesting the dependence of all the interdependent cycles and processes.

Interesting thought: When going to try something new a new treatment, exercise program ext that the dr or practitioner will tell you that you might feel tired you might be sore... what if they said you might be more energized than you ever have before, you might feel amazing and get the best nights sleep ever....

What if we got a do over in life? What would we do different? I had an amazing conversation with someone who worked with many older, well educated, very prominent secure people. This person said that the regrets they had were, not trying something new, or not pursuing their dreams earlier. Listening to external influences holding them back.

Where there is a will or passion there is a way and an amazing journey waiting to be discovered. Follow your own way, take the leap of faith, free fall in to the unknown. Let the love and desire radiate and guide, everything will be better than one can imagine.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

little lesson

Learning to learn and willing to listen. Forgiving the past and surging forward. New attitudes and consciousness sparked hmmmmm :) Everyday gets more exciting...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Today is an amazing day, and tomorrow will be even better...

Learning to relax. Letting go. Taking much needed moments to be. Integrating the new, expelling the unwanted, and finally surrendering. No one will take as good as care of us as ourselves. You are your own strength, you are your own humor, you are your own work in progress. Every action is a new path, and by only allowing the goodness to stretch you and guide you further, then the goodness will always be around you; following you; and pulling you, pushing you and be within you. You can demand only goodness, you can demand only love, and you can demand that every moment from now on only get better. You can react to everything with gratitude and be thankful for the lesson met. Let you reactions always intertwine with love and actions be the result of love.

Say it and believe it...

Today I love myself. Today I am thankful for being me. Today is an amazing day and tomorrow will be even better...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Soles Treasure Chest

Emotions pulled and embraced from the sole are true lessons learned. Reactions conscious and unconsciously projected, help fulfill part the growing web. Moments lived and treasured are sacred photographs of the mind, our personal treasure chest; and the only key is our sole. Our treasure chest is infinite, and only love, happiness and goodness resides within. The treasure chest is our abundance and may it always be overflowing. If we project goodness and abundance in life that is exactly what we will receive. The will of sole is strong and beautiful like each one of us, and every idiosyncrasy which helps solves the secrets to self. Listen to the beautiful orchestra within and dance with the perfect choreographed hearts desire.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I love today

You make the golden rays of the sun warm to the touch. Your love echos, and touches to infinity. Harmony is content when you are present. Tranquility is all that is left after what seems to be a disappearing act. Just enough encouragement is felt flowing even with a brief moment of known presence. Colors seem brighter and mind sharper. Love is more prominent with the perfect resonating harmony that comes through the sole with each breath of life given. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010





Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sometimes we think too hard

As we evolve truth changes. We have such limited views of what truth really is. We all need to dive deep, look within our soul and let the truth come to us. Social surroundings, rules and regulations sets a certain consciousness. Allow yourself to fully embrace your own personal truth deep with in. Sometimes we think too hard.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Today is a beautiful day

What is self love? There is unlimited definitions, but one truth of self love is: nourishing your authentic self. Believing the daily positive affirmations. Taking part in heart soaring activities. Feeding the soles desires, and making the body glow. Slowing down to stretch, and removing your spirit from harm. Staying out of stressful situations and environments. The best exercise is full belly laughing. Self love comes from deep with in. As we evolve, our self love can then turn outwardly.

I Like this quote I dislike this quote

“Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him. By his love he is enabled to see the essential traits and featur”

Viktor Frankl quotes

Friday, September 24, 2010

Life is a journey might as well make it fun

Self love is the foundation of beauty and transformation. Knowing your self worth and how valuable you are is key. Knowing that YOU are an essential part of evolution. You have unlimited potential within yourself to create the world around you. Passion drives and motivates, and the heart guides the path. Not knowing the right path, is part of the path and process. Every decision made with intentions for the higher good is the right decision. It is so easy when you let be easy. It is very difficult when you make it difficult. Know it WILL work if you truly believe. Nothing is impossible. Laugh, and invite the joy that is begging to encompass you in. You have it in you to accomplish anything. Follow your dreams, and dream big. The bigger the dream the bigger the outcome. Love and live life to the fullest.

There is a thunderous echo, in the deepest of silence. There are full body waves and vibrations, in the most stillness of being. Lift the learned layers of consciousness to reveal you to yourself. Open your heart, still your mind, and bring in the light you truly are.