Illusion of separation battles the colossal ego in a duel to the death. Fighting for survival, the deepest instincts suddenly go "fight or flight," adrenaline filled confusion leads to destruction, only to be rebuilt to achieve the souls desire. The mighty tug of war on emotions and faith take life times to understand. In one random moment a spark flickers, ego humbly retreats and the soul begins to sing. In a curious moment it all makes sense. Letting go, forgiving, and freeing the prisoner of gloom, and leading the path to glory. Struggling to not to hold too tight. Curious and thankful at the same time, wishing judgement goodbye. Forgiving is the key, insanity is a battle, recognizing cycles is the key tactic. Humbly accepting life's next fork in the road. Affirmations and self love, paves a sturdy foundation of positive outcomes for the continuing journey to come. Gratitude is in the air...