Reading blurbs of others telling us how to find this moment... Do these authors live in eternal joy? Do they have moments of fear or worry? We KNOW their words, we have all been there. We get the jargon.
To live in peace with yourself every moment; is it possible? To feel no worry or pain? What percentage of living, really LIVING, is more than average? Being a peaceful person and living in gratitude still finds furry and strife.
Surveys and random self help books ask many questions, repeat great advice; do all these people who write and give this help feel completely joyful themselves? FEELING these questions and FEELING the answers in the deepest part of selves is certain after much repetition and grand perspective. Getting it, but still there are moments of questions, moments of angst, moments of anger, moments of grievance, moments of uncertainty, moments of despair.
How can one moment be so clear, it all makes perfect sense, everything just is; all is divine and perfect. Then the next moment is hazy, out of sorts, blasphemy, and chaos? Where is this balance? Is this it? Recognising the yin yang? Is feeling the full spectrum of emotions harmony? Is harmony in life feeling all that there is to offer? Does that ingrain more gratitude in the psyche?
We are all inherently good, seek joy, feel love and know right from wrong. We can quote others that spark interest and emotion. We gather for the common good. We come together in catastrophe. We know what we like, we know we don't; we need to act in the way we feel is right and love.