Sunday, July 14, 2019

The divine gift of faith-

God said write it down- the things not possible with man are possible with God. Believe with your whole faith and write it down and God will perform a miracle and the promises of God.

I believe there is a world free of the mundane petty human ignorance.
I believe there is world where we truly love one another.
I believe there is a world where no bellies are ever empty; disease, famine and sickness are only in history books.
I believe there is a world where racism, hate  judgment are only definitions in a dictionary.
I believe in a world where everyone is educated, valued, respected and honored.
I believe in a world where tolerance is fundamental and there are no needs for a ruler, laws or punishment.
I believe in a world where our moral compass is always pointed north.
I believe in a world where our gifts, talents and interest lead us to our gifts to share with the world; our service with a joyful heart, our life's purpose and meaning.
I believe in a world where each person has something unique to share with the world, and no persons gifs are more important then the other.
I believe we all are each other in many forms connected by spirit.
I believe in a world where mother earth is honored, respected and valued as the center of our life giving force.
I believe in a fair just society, living in Supernatural Divine perfect peace.
I believe in the gift of faith.
I believe in the supernatural divine gifts of grace, mercy and miracles.
I Believe in a new heaven and new earth.
I believe in 1 nation under God.
I believe in humanity
I believe in Peace &
I believe in God
