Saturday, March 27, 2010

Magic Filled Days!

We are continuing our journey. There is so much energy. So much healing. Everyday is a magic filled day! We continue our blessings for what is given to us each day, with every thought, vision and inspiration.

Infinite Beauty

To recognize beauty around us, we must first recognize the beauty that lies within.

Prayer: As I transform from the darkness to the light, I can now see the beauty that is around me and within me. I naturally move towards the things that bring my heart great joy, and help others along the way to discover their own inner beauty.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Being Thankful For All That Comes...

Survival is the theme. No matter what hardships life has handed you, you can have victory over adversity. Life is about cycles. Past issues resurface because spirit knows you are now equipped to deal with them. Truths avoided only resurface at a later time. Confront the lessons and release the burdens that stand in the way of personal fulfillment. Face emotions with an open and nurturing heart, and express them with the strength and stability. When you find balance, you will feel and emotional calm, and be able to hear the voice of intuition. You will have the strength and courage to accept an abundant life for yourself. Owning your own power comes from accepting and creating abundance through gentle perseverance and strength of will.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Words are powerful, spirit is always with you

A few hours into creating new pieces frustration and tiredness crept in... then help from spirit was asked: energy and motivation.

With help from spirit there was so much energy in the room the glass candle holder broke.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love and light

Love is universal and unconditional, have the courage to let the energy of love and compassion flow through you, love is a true source of power, when we love ourselves and find inner peace we are free to love others, then the oneness becomes clear, let the breeze of peace and tranquility encompass you, and feel your inner light shine through... Love and light

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mother Earth is amazing and plentiful. Everyday is a sacred day. Your truth waits only for you to grasp it.

Spring into Life

When you emerge from the cocoon, leaving the darkness behind, you have chosen on a soul level to follow beauty, just as the butterfly is drawn to the flower. This is an incredible transformation. Be proud for having the courage to take flight. Beauty will be found in places you never imagined, as gentle patterns of life unfold before you.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rocky mountain path

Today is about nature, volunteering, listening to mother earth, being one with your higher self, and Stillness; doing somthing for the higher good... this path is an amazing, beautiful, virgin rocky mountain path, always going up and onward; slowly... every step stopping to examine the new terrain; wisdom, beauty, new life and 1000's of images are seen, absorbed and memorized... so many corners, bends and seemingly unpassible obsticles. Here comes uncertainty and lethergy and just when you think you will never get that next step, you see around a corner something beautiful that pulls you foward, a light that gets brighter and brighter, a magnet that complely renews and energises you and a whole new you moves foward and the path is even more beautiful and magical than you could ever imagine

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A more positive today...

Everything you see, touch, love, breathe, think about, taste, and hear you give some of your energy postively or negitively. Today is about oneness, the web of life, strenghing your good connections, and cutting the cords with the bad ones. Today is reflection, thankfulness, and planting seeds of personal growth. Today I am STRONG today i am BEAUTIFUL today i am THANKFUL today I WILL today I CAN today ONENESS WILL BE STRONGER...