Thursday, September 2, 2010

Faith ~

Today is an opportunity both to renew the commitment to your spiritual journey and rededicate your life to a larger purpose.

We speak of the gift of faith because that is how faith comes to us, a gift. There is no way to buy it, borrow it or prepare for it. After all, how can we prepare for a mystery? Faith is among God's most precious gifts; without it, doubt and fear will surely find us. When faith is absent, life lacks meaning, while in its presence, the bounty of Divine Love is always to be found. The essence of faith is in all things.

One of the purest forms of faith is service, doing God's work on earth. Faith in action is the willingness to deal with life in the sure and certain knowledge that you will learn from your experience, overcome adversity and be healed.

The faith that promotes healing simply asks you to reach out wholeheartedly to receive the gift of God's love, and claim it as your own. St. Paul said that we walk by faith and not by sight. When you walk by faith, it is impossible to doubt God, yourself, you life or what tomorrow brings.

It was Gandhi who said that we must be the change we wish to see in the world. Faith encourages us to believe that we can make a difference - a difference first in ourselves, and then in the world.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Recognize how far you have come along the path of healing. Give thanks to God for the blessings serenity brings. In the past, we hardly knew this peaceful place, with its freedom from want and need. It is through a life lived in serenity that we come to know and understand our closeness to the Divine.

Honesty leads to Serenity, and Patience issues from it. Grief, Anger and Fear are resolved in its embrace, while Trust and Faith are nourished by Serenity and Love thrives in its presence.

There is a place inside our being where serenity dwells. Take time each day to nourish yourself with the comfort to be found there. For it is from this place of tranquility and peace that all service begins. Become familiar with what serenity means in your daily life.

Without Serenity, wounds are slow to heal, while in in its presence, all things are possible. If serenity is absent from your world, and you are still riding the merry-go-round of chaos and denial, ask the Divine for the guidance and strength to face your life with courage. And if you feel your serenity slipping away, know that God will restore it to you through the power of prayer. Pause for a moment and remember above all else to stay present and live your life one day, one moment, at a time. The clear simple message is: Serenity is a practice. Therefore practice serenity.

The beauty and power of serenity are expressed in a prayer adapted from the words of Reinhold Niebuhr, words read and spoken daily by millions of people all over the world:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer is a gift containing all the elements of Diving Love. When you allow serenity to fill your days and your nights, you have truly begun to heal your life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Trust ~

Trust is restoration. It calls for rebuilding of belief in yourself, in your life and, if you have fallen away, in your relationship with the Divine.

It has been said that faith without proof, but rather trust without reservation, and that trust, when cared for and respected, encourages the self to blossom. Trust is divine medicine.

Trust a present situation. Embrace the changes you are facing with trust and wisdom.

Know that love grows when trust is present. In relationships of the heart, remember that I love you and I trust you are a bridge for crossing the same stream.

If trust is lacking in your life, consider what you can do to restore it, or to create it where it never was. For trust is the foundation upon which we build our lives and do God's work in the world. However oppressive or painful the moment may seem, have faith and know that, as you heal, you will be able to trust again.

Each time you face the issue of trust, you are being asked to grow. When you push through your fears and trust your feelings, you do grow - and trust grows in you.

Reclaim the lost trust you once cherished and thrived upon. We are born to live our lives in trust. Let no one tell you differently.

Know thyself. Trust and heal thyself.

Persevere in your journey, and trust in your healing process, for both are uniquely yours and as individual as fingerprints and snowflakes.

Remember the wise teacher, the one that speaks from the silence within us.

The breath of heaven is everywhere trust is.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Compassion ~

It has been said that when we have compassion for one another, we shall be of one mind. For in living a compassionate life, we are practicing the Presence of God in a simple and universal way. Take time to show compassion for those we meet on our healing journey.

Forgiveness, Trust and Love, all weave together in the Wholeness to which our nature aspires.

Show your compassion through service.

Have compassion for yourself. Admit to yourself something you have long denied.

Compassion lies between Fear and The Divine. As if to say that Fear, passing through the prism of Compassion, is transformed into the energy and radiance of Love.

To the compassionate self, this is a gentle reminder that the journey to wholeness is just that, a journey. Along the way in your meditations and your prayers, ask to see the world through compassionate eyes.