Releasing a block means we are conscious of the block. Some come up and easily dissipate into the infinite well of healing. Other blocks come and rearrange our sense of self, the more we start to acknowledge and heal, the more we learn that the block we thought we grasped was only the beginning...
Fear, emotions, and ignorance keep us from healing. Cycles and lessons make themselves known, not necessarily when its most convenient. Divine timing isn't always aligned with ego time.
Acknowledging, accepting, embracing, loving and the want to resolve the block (s) is the first step in the healing process. A block can feel like walking through a beautiful door only to find out when you open this door you are standing on a cliff about to take a step, a free fall to the unknown. Invincible armor of fear immediately attaches dimming the light that was just ignited.
Curious light starts to peek and wants to play, triggering an acknowledgment and an awareness of the colossal block. Realization of the complexity and vastness of unresolved karma and lessons starts a torturing session.
Sometimes a block or lesson is understood, sometimes patience seems to be in a deep slumber.
Free will is the key. Free will and the want to heal.
A hurting heart is the deepest wound. No medicine, no magical pill. Learning to let go is the most painful experience humanly possible, and a lesson that comes with truly unconditional love. Madame destiny creates fate and destiny, and whats left is human free will.
Fear, emotions, and ignorance keep us from healing. Cycles and lessons make themselves known, not necessarily when its most convenient. Divine timing isn't always aligned with ego time.
Acknowledging, accepting, embracing, loving and the want to resolve the block (s) is the first step in the healing process. A block can feel like walking through a beautiful door only to find out when you open this door you are standing on a cliff about to take a step, a free fall to the unknown. Invincible armor of fear immediately attaches dimming the light that was just ignited.
Curious light starts to peek and wants to play, triggering an acknowledgment and an awareness of the colossal block. Realization of the complexity and vastness of unresolved karma and lessons starts a torturing session.
Sometimes a block or lesson is understood, sometimes patience seems to be in a deep slumber.
Free will is the key. Free will and the want to heal.
A hurting heart is the deepest wound. No medicine, no magical pill. Learning to let go is the most painful experience humanly possible, and a lesson that comes with truly unconditional love. Madame destiny creates fate and destiny, and whats left is human free will.