This is just a dream... I have a new theory the conclusion is, I wonder if all illness and dis-ease can be cured with light, sound and vibrations? We all know that certain elements zinc magnesium and so forth vibrate at a certain cycle per minute, when playing a note - example A then certain elements will vibrate harmoniously when the octave above A is played, when dis-ease or illness is present the vibration is in disharmony. So if we could play certain notes and cords and knew what elements in the body were off, could we cure dis-ease and illness? Light effects mood, example if someone is depressed some doctors will prescribe tanning- to get light... Certain vibrations are used like sonic care for your teeth... All this is completely natural its like we are all notes and are part of a huge symphony and orchestra... To be completely harmonized and perfect sync we all need to be at a perfect vibration...
Imagination... Einstein said imagination was more important than knowledge
2 women starting a new business with gemstone energy jewlery, and surrendering themselves to the higher good... we are letting this journey take us where it wants to go...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
The only thing that is constant is change...
Newton said it best: every action has an equal and opposite reaction... karma is a great example of this. In mathematics this can be described as natural frequencies of vibrations slightly different, resulting in constructive and deconstructive interference... If you look at music the same principle is applied... matter is made of sound waves and frequency... with frequency there is a certain vibration, the difference between physical matter and etheric matter is frequency- every cell vibrates to it's frequency. When the human has an abnormal frequencies that causes dis-ease, and energy disturbances in etheric body manifest and illness in physical body occurs. Certain vibrations and frequencies bring harmony in the body. Geometry is a visual form of harmony. Sound waves are actually based on sacred geometry... The primary shapes, patterns and forms of sacred geometry are keys that can be used to help harmonize our flow with the flow of universal consciousness. They represent harmonic tones that can attune, empower, and inspire the human condition. The geometric patterns are mathematical programs describing the laws of creation... Creation, there are many way to go with this I'll start with creation of a human/energy. When a man and a woman meet there is a chemical reaction that will lead to love. In the beginning (I use beginning lightly) they will start to make love, that love turns to energy, then the climax leads to huge amount of energy and/or baby. In what seems to be the end actually leads to two more beginnings... there are only new beginnings... so much more... to write a book or not to write a book????
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The possibility of a dream coming true is what makes life interesting
Cosmic collision of unknown streams of consciousness that reside are held strong by the golden pyramid of intentions. The infusing of collateral essence is silent but sensed. Energy shifts while ego tries to excuse the flu. Wake up... Follow destiny. Waves of gathered intentions can be seen, the trickle effect barely noticed. Spirals of downloads are dispersed evenly. No time now time recognise your gifts, give with the heart and share; intuition will guide or separate... Choose wisely and use divine blessing of the heart... ONE LOVE
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Full of life
Monday, May 24, 2010
Key of the heart
Love is eternal and near, and love knows no fear. Spirit soars and spirit knows the palpation's of of bliss is one's true first kiss. From far below and above spirit knows one true love. Miracles, visions and unconditional love hold the keys from above. Ego is the last to go once released one will know. The flame is bright and waiting to ignite... Love has no conditions and waits for karma to be right, when the combination is fused there is no night...
? Journey Dream
Unseen patterns and rays of colors, gate ways and new sharp corners, the remembrance of a forgotten dream and intoxicating aroma's with blissful calmness, every atom fully charged, chakras spin at perfect alignment, to the unknown familiar consciousness, first hazy broken particles, then solidify, tube like energy lightning fast standstill, swirling and dancing... High pitched electrical connection followed by soothing whooshes and light roaring engines. Focused in a known system check "asks" if ready a voice? a feeling? A hundred questions of will of light instantaneously check pureness of this flight. Love of flame and home, releasing keys and scrolls and total fear. Test and tests are passed then Adrenalin takes over, slight fear sensed sends self to self. Dimensions of unknown appear jellyfish texture i am aware.... heart beats at uncontrollable speed- blackness- strings of flashy lights illuminate- fully awake a cube book appears radiates and turns, silver, red, purple so bright, grid like hazy matrix forms then fear. Everything gone... Downloads of information gifts from the unknown. Cosmic collisions of unknown streams of consciousness that reside are held strong by golden pyramid of indestructible intentions and purity. Ignite thy own candle...
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