Monday, December 5, 2011

Adversity is our teacher

~Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn. -Barbara Rose

Life is a delicate balance of harmony. Releasing is part of this journey; watching tears carried off with the rivers current, running with mother earths heartbeat, or silencing your mind to listen to the universe's wisdom.

Close your eyes and see the beauty, silence your mind and hear the secrets of time, take a deep cleansing breath and fill yourself up with new aroma's and higher vibrations. Wrap yourself in the finest fabric of your imagination.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Staying in the moment of knowing- then BE

When we become joy, and step into the moment of knowing; how fast this blissful moment passes. A drug? A de jevu? A dream? A blissful psychotic moment?

Reading blurbs of others telling us how to find this moment... Do these authors live in eternal joy? Do they have moments of fear or worry? We KNOW their words, we have all been there. We get the jargon.

To live in peace with yourself every moment; is it possible? To feel no worry or pain? What percentage of living, really LIVING, is more than average? Being a peaceful person and living in gratitude still finds furry and strife.

Surveys and random self help books ask many questions, repeat great advice; do all these people who write and give this help feel completely joyful themselves? FEELING these questions and FEELING the answers in the deepest part of selves is certain after much repetition and grand perspective. Getting it, but still there are moments of questions, moments of angst, moments of anger, moments of grievance, moments of uncertainty, moments of despair.

How can one moment be so clear, it all makes perfect sense, everything just is; all is divine and perfect. Then the next moment is hazy, out of sorts, blasphemy, and chaos? Where is this balance? Is this it? Recognising the yin yang? Is feeling the full spectrum of emotions harmony? Is harmony in life feeling all that there is to offer? Does that ingrain more gratitude in the psyche?

We are all inherently good, seek joy, feel love and know right from wrong. We can quote others that spark interest and emotion. We gather for the common good. We come together in catastrophe. We know what we like, we know we don't; we need to act in the way we feel is right and love.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Beauty's volcanic rush stops all time

Beauty's volcanic rush stops all time. Allowing the moment to be. Present in accepting greatness. Watching the accelerated manifestations take place. Knowing on many levels that perfection is always present...

Let go, release...

Letting go materialistically, mentally, spiritually, physically, ethereally, emotionally... the more the better... Infinite abundance... right now

Sunday, September 18, 2011

part 2 house of grace

Ideas of this house of grace... What would be taught and what are the expectation? The vision is every religion and spiritual practice would be touched upon. Learning the similarities and how connected they all are. Learning there is no right way to do anything and letting the creative minds learn how to live a fulfilling life. The house of Grace would help children learn to live an empowering and meaningful life. Teaching everyone has a purpose and how each individual has gifts for the world. Thinking outside the box and thinking for themselves is important. This creative space would make all children feel safe to explore the depth of their mind and soul. Everyone is expected to volunteer, picking meaningful projects for themselves. Exploring what makes them thrive and introducing new untouched ideas. Change is constant and so is the way we learn. The programs will be outlined but the way we learn and coach is ever changing. Meditation is very therapeutic and different methods will be used and I'm sure new ones will be learned. Problem solving with friends, family, and society is highly encouraged with compassion. With field trips to thought provoking places, and lots of nature. This place will teach healing western and eastern and the many modalities... aromatherapy, reiki, meditation, human anatomy, intuition, stones, acupuncture, massage, bio feedback, acupressure, meridians, chakras, conversation

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Flashbacks from growing

Seeing beyond sight; on a journey amidst this flight. Looking from afar; on this place once a star. Being and knowing; flashbacks from all this growing. Staring at a block; waiting for strength to dissipate this rock. Releasing, letting go; this journey only spirit will know...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Colbalt waves

Each breath coinsides with the constant waves... Every wave insures i'm alive. The perfect rhythm is felt; spirit is close. The cobalt waves bring truth, inspiration and life. Water being the life giving source is far beyond where my senses reach. My higher self knows and feels the waters strength, untouched, senses go to the waters deepest secrets, beyond wonders, to the source. So free is the water, strong and determined. Beauty is breathtaking, sparkles and life source constant. The truth will set you free.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

House of Grace...

The house of Grace... I have a dream... incomplete but growing... small biz plan, but started. The Universe always pulls you in the right direction; when lessons are learned the next journey begins. Omnipresent will do everything to make you stop and listen...

Imagine a white wrinkled up paper, scribbles and scratches. Arrows for new ideas, question marks for uncertainty. In the middle of the paper is blue box it represents the idea: House of Grace. In little lettering below, it reads "Indigo Center" "Indigo School House of Grace" Ideas on what the big picture or name could be. Very open for suggestions, hoping spirit will have a spontaneous combustion in my head.

Around the blue box are many arrows leading to many ideas: Starting? Hmm where to start... What is this house of grace? How will it function, and so on... The first Arrow starts at the balloon idea of : who would come to this center/school? I loathe labels but somehow I have to word this right: sensitive children, "indigo, star, crystal" Imaginatively gifted. Wording here is important I wrote on a side note. Balloons of ideas follow in sequence: where would the location be? Hours? 1x-5x a week? Nights and weekends for adults? Qualifications? Any child any age? Who decides this? Adult classes? How to find interested people? Tuition? Grants? Funding? Profit/non profit? It is spiritually based, hands on activities. Should there be a strict lesson plan or do the children guide? Is each child given an individualized lesson plan? Who would work there? Volunteers? Requirements? Who would work with them? What makes a person qualified to work with them?
I have a dream...

This is very basic but I know the snowball of ideas are coming at an incredible rate

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tide pools of time...

As the tide pools of time gather they become closer and closer, the future dreams become clear. Sediment forms new direction... Ideas change with the ebb and flow of cobalt wonder. Fog is lifted as the sun races to nurture and heal. There is an automatic acknowledgement of gratitude.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Constant retrospect

Can we ever really be lost? Distractions, daily life and the mundane minutes have so much value. Aware of holding gratitude and wishing it was more automatic. Sometimes, when we don't get our breath fast enough while emerging from a deep dive, its hard to feel gratitude each moment. Forgetting gratitude and roots it a teeter-tatter event, and you are always on display. As time propels its self forward, imagery and constant retrospect of the chain of events that got you to your space play in overdrive. Always balance, always; out of tragedy will come miracles, and even the most amazing things have to come to end? Or do they? By expecting amazing is that a manifestation of future events to come or is that the inevitable "all good thing must come to an end?" Who said that anyway... I don't just expect amazing I know it and live it every day in full gratitude no matter the obstacle!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sand glass of linear time

In the sand glass of linear time, the swells of patterns gracefully fill the perception of a glass figure. Seeing in; looking out, knowing there is more but the comfort of this object hold ego's security. What if there were holes in this glass, would we see them? Would we try to fix them? Or would we follow the new path of uncertainty out of curiosity?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius

Finding beauty in all you do leaves grace humbling path. Determination of justice and peace starts with finding pureness with that first fall. Beauty mixes with the rain and evaporates to nourish the starving plants. Drop by drop, storm by storm the acceleration of beauty transforms. As ether is purified only the imagined flowers become known, as the tired due drops take that leap of faith, I take the new fresh breath inhale like it was for the very first time.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fallen note from a dream

Acknowledgment of gratitude needs to be sung to the Universe. Harmony is making her beautiful entrance; she balances perfectly with grace and seduces tranquility. As moments of time try to confuse linear logic, gusts of perfected symphonies start to climax. As the sturdy red curtain waivers in her big debut to open wide, or let a forceful fall; curtain only takes a second to fly open harder, and much wider than ever before, allowing and accepting the new sights, sounds and scenes from the other side. Symphony upon symphony share common theme, slowly they find each other from their current dreams.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saddness is unique and the cure of strength is foreign

Lessons that should seem apparent and easy are not always learned and completely ingrained.
Its not fair when the disappearance of comfort and piece of your heart leaves. Ignoring the empty space only prolongs the massive hurt that is covered up with what we think fills the bottomless void. Anger is easier to feel and express than sadness, sadness and despondence shows the raw venerability of the brittle depths of the soul. Sadness is a very unique hurt that allows the most release but needs such an incredible amount of strength and where to find that strength is so foreign...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Acceptance of experience and truth

Happiness and joy stem from some unknown center... How to tap in constantly and keep that IV flowing? Joy is such a gift and not enough gratitude can be given to the universe. Joy is a treasure and fuel for the soul's desire. Lessons and obstacles sometimes simmer and smoulder, but when overcoming trials and tribulations the joy is expanded and lasts longer, and is infinitely brighter.

When the rainbow is found pouring from the heart our senses dazzle and become acute to surroundings. Familiar cycles and environments become an amazement park instead of being lost in a maze. Acceptance of experience and truth adds glitz and glamor...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Absolute expression

Transitioning and creating absolute expression, and finding Love and Wisdom are one in the same. Expanding consciousness while letting go of preconceptions builds a solid ground. Accepting truth as you experience lessons allows fulfillment of balance while consistently adjusting to finding new truths.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Green Home Clean Home Event

Today is the Green Home Clean Home- Eco-Chic Thrifty Souls- 7pm Samples and other goodies will be available. Loving how the mystery of life is unfolding; never knowing whats next and continuing to be grateful for lessons and experiences. Letting guidance come in any and every form. Expanding awareness and being conscious of reactions and thoughts.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

For each moment of the year has its own beauty, never to be seen before, and will never be seen again.

So many experiences to be had, so much love to feel. I'm choosing to love every moment today. Im choosing to learn something new from each person I meet today. Im choosing to be compassion today.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Evolution of consciousness

White, beautiful and very comfortable. Creating a sense of self and discovery. Cracks appear and new colors of light seen. Varying degrees of seasons all at once. Breaking free, letting go and having faith. The free fall of trust and lessons. Being love; guiding and following. Cycles....

Friday, May 20, 2011

I create balance and harmony within myself

Connecting, healing; believing and accepting. Grounding, exploring; persistence and truth. Intuition, expanded awareness; serenity and upliftment. Self love, attraction; creativity and health. Healing, nurturing; perception and truth. Inner peace, release; harmonize and freedom. Compassion, wholeness; insight and dreams.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Add love to every thought and see where it takes you

The edge is only sharp if you believe it is. The distance is only as long as you believe it will be. Anger is only a word, we give this word meaning and choose to feel the feeling of what we believe it should be. Add love to every word and thought and see where it takes you...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Power Strength and Love

Power strength love:

Its go time. With tender care, seed thoughts come into fruitatition. Benevolence is a thick fog. The forest floor has its first morning yawn, and father sun gives his silent yet powerful smile. The clear cut in the far distance has hope and respects the grand nature. For the now silent Clear cut had no appreciation till a lone seed was dropped by a blue jay...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Once perfection is found, perfection is only accepted

Heart racing, soul soaring. The song and dance of free will. Chance comes and prays for snake eyes. All bets are off once eyes meet. The claustrophobic space that's so loud becomes still and desolate. A stand still of bliss. One moment becomes eternity. Cycles broken, shattered and the shards disappear. The remittance a distant memory. Becoming one, finding the perfect fit. Once found can never disappear. A smoldering of perfect form. Once perfection is found, perfection is only accepted. Love is the answer and the key.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ask for Love, and Love you shall receive...

The environment is what we make of it. Clearing, letting go and freeing the stuck. Letting the unused, stagnant and lower vibrations go and cutting any attachment will leave room for only love to fill. Love is the highest vibration and is waiting, almost begging to be given permission to fill every void and devour anything stuck or not needed. The intensity and passion of love is all encompassing; ask for love, and love you shall receive.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Earth Day Event

Earth Day Event Friday:

Make your own jewelry

Make bird feeders

Lots of yummy goodies

Great sales

Certified Nurse: Botox, Juvederm, and Lippodissolve

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lessons to be learned, wisdom to be enveloped, and truth to experience

Affirmation: I have incredible will power. I believe in myself. I will treat each moment as a miracle and be thankful for the opportunities and experiences in my life no matter the situation.

Oh the lessons to be learned, wisdom to be enveloped, and truth to be experienced. Journey of self discovers each unturned stone unlocking new truths and solving the great mystery of life. Soul's true food is Love- unconditional love.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The soul knows home

Sometimes in our life the soul sings and vibrates in perfect harmony. The melody is peace. Harmony resonates with solid mountain bass and seducing rivers perfect rhythm. Constant soul energy is produced from the great mother her self. She laughs constantly and is always being tickled, she has infinite entertainment. Diverse ecosystems with perfect alignment are being introduced at a steady pace with passion from the soaring eagle, and songs from the loving blue jay and father suns powerful energy of life. Soul knows home.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mineral Sisters Vitality Center on City Slyce- Portland Oregon

Perception is like a huge monster truck parked in a tiny parking space that has been blocked off. This huge monster truck when backing out has to move out, in, out, in; then while trying to back out, line of sight and comfortability is taken back. Finally out of the constricted space the monster truck's path is wider and more free... Perception of road and journey ahead is a little more clear.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love fully, breathe deeply, live beautifully

As time changes definitions and perceptions are changing at an accelerated rate, comprehension is trying to keep up. Universal change seems to be teetering on the dunes in perfect patterns. Are choices really hard? Do we put this term "hard" on ourselves. Why do we want to do certain activities, be around certain people and why do we not want to do certain activities? Why do we feel like laughing, crying or sleeping? Do we make up when we are tired? Do we pre plan when we want to have a good time or be sad? Hmmmmm

What if we took out judgement- what if there was no vocabulary and just sounds? just colors? Still in judgement we would prob be attracted to certain vibrancy of colors and certain sounds would prob appeal more than others. If we took out vocab so no words could have a negative/positive connotation than what is left? What if there was "just is"? Do we create moments and situations? If so I assume most of us like to feel good, laugh be involved in heart soaring activities... why do we choose not be in heart soaring moments at times? Is that balance? There is that word- balance- if balance were a color what color would it be? Silver sparkly? brown? Turquoise? Maybe depends on the moment...

Love fully, breathe deeply, live beautifully. and question all the time...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Inner child finding the society adult to find the inner child

Descisions that lead to needed lessons and growth are not always easy. Sometimes the direction of the wind is not always favored at the time, sometimes fire needs to purify before we can move foward. Is our heart always in the right place when making life decisions and do our actions always align with who we really are, and where we want to go. Believing in yourself and your values is the true essence of who you are. The self's journey is such a winding path... trusting the inner guidance and the path before you... the inner child that is forced to be an adult and grow. What is this word -adult- and what exactly does this mean. Does the inner child grow up to be this adult, then have to find the inner child within??

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thank you!!!! So much gratitude...

Some Gratitude: Thank you Mt. Hood Equestrian Center for the chance to have a space and show off Mineral Sisters jewelry and product. Thank you Cornelius Starbucks for the opportunity to debut paintings. Thank you to Donterra Gallery in Sisters Oregon. Thank you to the amazing practitioners at Mineral Sisters and to all the amazing people supporting Mineral Sisters Vitality Center. Thank you so much, dreams really do come true.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Believing is the beginning

Spectacular begins with desire; dreams are manifested from genuine hearts. Unshakable will drives focus. Surrendering and believing in daily affirmations. We are all divine, we have the divine right to live in infinite abundance, we have the ability to create the world around us. We are powerful, we are beautiful, we are all connected. When looking in another person, we need to see ourselves, see the beauty and inspiration, be the bridge in each other's life to the next limitless divine opportunity. Treating others with encouragement, being the light we are supposed to be. Truthful passionate empathy. Looking through the eyes of the known stranger, straight into the soul and igniting that spark. We are all connected, one big soul family, some more connected, but bridging the gap and sharing a goal of pure love. Creating the utopia is achievable. Believing is the beginning...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Profound experiences create inspiration that leads to powerful innovation

Indications of spectacular new beginnings are always being prepared and presented. Happiness constantly evolving. Experiencing profound creative solutions to overcome unavoidable changes. Lessons learned and new organization from ground zero lead to overcoming obstacles easily. Thoughts projected handle situations gracefully. Change is always present, choosing to create only amazing and choosing reactions to be constantly connected with love. Choosing to accept only good fortune. Being grateful for this moment and grateful for free will. Choosing right now to start the best of what is yet to be... Continuing the harmonious journey with incredible courage, living and choosing to create this dream to supersede any known future Utopia.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recognizing exponential transformations of beauty

Guidance from the inner silence resonates. Creating answers, creating growth and finding joy. Building the life and creating a unique path. Designing a path all its own, abundance of harmony and discovering truth. All thoughts, actions, and words fully encompassed with love. Desire for peace is motivation. Visions of beautiful, "should be's" wave in front and help create the destined path. Focusing and rediscovering eyes of the heart. Wonder sparks the depths of new infinite possibilities. Letting go; letting go; letting go, recognizing exponential transformations of beauty. Presence of self and this moment is a miracle not taken for granted. Slowly learning balance and gratitude in the game of life.