The house of Grace... I have a dream... incomplete but growing... small biz plan, but started. The Universe always pulls you in the right direction; when lessons are learned the next journey begins. Omnipresent will do everything to make you stop and listen...
Imagine a white wrinkled up paper, scribbles and scratches. Arrows for new ideas, question marks for uncertainty. In the middle of the paper is blue box it represents the idea: House of Grace. In little lettering below, it reads "Indigo Center" "Indigo School House of Grace" Ideas on what the big picture or name could be. Very open for suggestions, hoping spirit will have a spontaneous combustion in my head.
Around the blue box are many arrows leading to many ideas: Starting?
Hmm where to start... What is this house of grace? How will it function, and so on... The first Arrow starts at the balloon idea of : who would come to this center/school? I loathe labels but somehow I have to word this right: sensitive children, "indigo, star, crystal" Imaginatively gifted. Wording here is important I wrote on a side note.
Balloons of ideas follow in sequence: where would the location be? Hours? 1x-5x a week? Nights and weekends for adults? Qualifications? Any child any age? Who decides this? Adult classes? How to find interested people? Tuition? Grants? Funding? Profit/non profit? It is spiritually
based, hands on activities. Should there be a strict lesson plan or do the children guide? Is each child given an individualized lesson plan? Who would work there? Volunteers? Requirements? Who would work with them? What makes a person qualified to work with them?
I have a dream...
This is very basic but I know the snowball of ideas are coming at an
incredible rate