Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The bondage of self and the Royal Masquarade of divine intervention and absolute truth

Trapped by minds blind ego, and suffocated with self limiting belief systems, the inner divine struggles to comprehend the nagging wake up. Content in slumber, and fear of proceeding through the veils of dense fog, the catalyst and chain of  events leave deeper footprints in the sands of non existent time.  Perceptions of memories change, and the blind slowly start to see.  Rhythmic drumming of mothers earths  heartbeat felt by the deaf slowly begin to hear. Moments of clarity are aligned with the warming rays of father sun. Spirits divine plan is executed and will continue unfaltering and exactly as it should. The royal ball  of divine intervention and absolute truth hosts a masquerade. Balance dances with shadows as synergy finds the blissful  rhythm. Dance after dance intuition lifts heavy burdensome masks, slowly darkness is transformed into light. The heaviest mask is the one worn, painfully and slowly love accepts the last dance, strong intentions dissolves the mask of ball and chains. Shining brighter than ever, the ending of this masquerade is the only the beginning of what is to become.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Evolving Communication

A racing pulse quickens as the impossible becomes truth. The multidimensional magnet hones in and the impossible is  now known. Questioning the hypothesis, trial after trial the results are ethereally impossible to deny. The veil begs to be untouched by ego, and the soul apologetically and  slowly integrates  truth. The imagination can not begin to comprehend new data, only a felt response and awareness ascend with the sunrise.  Reason and tangible evidence do not exist in the mundane world. Intelligence of the cosmos rain on the ready. To accept or not accept that is the question.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Coddling the secure inherent societal truth while stagnant reality collides with the mundane

Rolling in reverse, gazes are questioning from underneath, while simultaneous visions are beckoned with, hovering and pixelated. As the lingering anticipation unfolds clarity is vivid. The pulse is a rhythmic sangban, and blood coursing through veins is the koudi. Separation creates a paralysis, completely frozen, and the drum beats stop, and the flute becomes a deafening silence. Conscious of stillness and enough awareness to invite courage to play with curiosity. Struggling to repel fear, seconds morph to lifetimes, secrets skim the astral and glide to the unknown, whirlwinds of the unfamiliar seem so tangible, cant escape the chaos, unable to retain what was so vivid in the eye of the storm. Pulling sensations and the roar jump start the sangban but there is no beat. Panic invites one's final thoughts, somehow an intuitive gesture triggers a seismic miracle transforming a once frigid cadaver into a thriving being filled with life force.  Curious how reality ravages the veils that once were so neatly placed and accepted so easily. Questioning  ignorance of choosing to be blind, coddling the secure inherent societal truth  of imagination or expanding ones deepest self. Thriving on exploration, magnified will power of intellectualism acquired from ether begins to radiate. Stagnant reality collides with the mundane.   

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Uncomfortably comfortable...

Intensity, magnetism, longing and knowing. This push pull can be so unforgiving. Climax of an infinite mili-second transcends life times of of so much knowing. To be so close, pulses quickening as recognition simultaneously gives a new transformation  A new me? Do I know you. Are you real? Is this really happening? A stranger in flesh, but the souls recognition of self and the burning desire for ones true essence is here.  So much can happen in this mili second that is frozen in time. Replayed, desiring and absorbing at true light speed. Reality fighting to be recognized, but what is this foreign reality when this seems truer than true? The eternal moment... a moment that was erased with a blink of an eye. Reality could never explain this chemistry- this transcending cosmic moment that envelopes a millennium. How can time stop for heart beat and yet all of creation and experiences are simultaneous happening? 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Self love paves a sturdy foundation of positive outcomes for the continuing journey to come

Illusion of separation battles the colossal ego in a duel to the death. Fighting for survival, the deepest instincts suddenly go "fight or flight," adrenaline filled confusion leads to destruction, only to be rebuilt to achieve the souls desire. The mighty tug of war on emotions and faith take life times to understand. In one random moment a spark flickers, ego humbly retreats and the soul begins to sing. In a curious moment it all makes sense. Letting go, forgiving, and freeing the prisoner of gloom, and leading the path to glory. Struggling to not to hold too tight. Curious and thankful at the same time, wishing judgement goodbye. Forgiving is the key, insanity is a battle, recognizing cycles is the key tactic. Humbly accepting life's next fork in the road. Affirmations and self love, paves a sturdy foundation of positive outcomes for the continuing journey to come. Gratitude is in the air... 


Thursday, July 12, 2012

New eyes explore joy

Life is abundant, thriving and full, giving spirit a mighty pull.
Once saddness is overcome, life fource will glow to some.
Vivid dreams rappidly appear, then the future becomes very clear.
Sitting in silence by the waters edge, ego gives a mighty pledge.
Life is too short to watch it go by, new eyes explore joy with a glorious high.
Today is promised that's what we got, do not get caught up in what most have sought. 
Listen to the soul, for it knows whats best, forget the worst and remember the rest.
Learn life lessons practice each day, feed the inner child with paticents and play.
Love yourself unconditionally with peace in your heart, for you are the source and have have been from the very start.
Master your thought, destiny cant ever be bought.
Peace on earth good will towards men, cements the thoughts written with this pen.  

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A new beginning of last steps mighty fall...

A time and a place of settling or exploring. The patient and wise canyon's etched walls sturdily frame a delicate last steps fall. A tired path tells secrets with each and every step. Courage and faith keeps timid steps moving forward. Closer and closer to the top, each step brighter than the last. Fear taunts wild emotions, testing the once sure footing. Trembling, slipping, giving in to echo's of the minds repeated sure failures. A snowball effect of unsure footing devours confidence and leads straight back to the dark. Cut, bruised and emotionally shaken standing all alone in the darkest of jet. Starting from the beginning with more wisdom from the past. Healing the self, more confident, planning the new first step, more grounded than the last. Looking forward and affirmations stream in constant, concentrating with more sound footing. Hope gives light a new brightness. More touchable with goals in grasp.  The once tired path begins to stretch saying good bye to its last yawn. Concentrating on each step, thankful for the steps just walked, letting the path ahead unfold at will. Each moment brings healing from self, a magnet to the light only forward steps known. Memories of missed steps are sent to the house of grace, while reflections of love are felt within the heart.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

This moment now, is a certain beginning of lasts breaths death...

There is value in venerability. To know courage, shyness had to be confronted.  Fear of failure feeds its self. Embrace all of who you are. The shadow self is just as important as the light body. Spirit gives inner strength and trust, to harmonized our souls. Loyalty to yourself is rewarded with opportunity. Look beyond, see yourself. Enjoy separation for its only an illusion. Expand your horizons, and conquer your endeavors. Find beauty in yourself and the world around you. Everything is a miracle, celebrate with infinite gratitude. Reconnecting  the moment harmony seeps though your pours. Sending love to past mistakes, thankful for lessons met. Onward, flowing with the ocean of destiny. Living this moment, enjoying this breath, accepting the future, content with the past. Fear of letting go, fear of a fork in the road, fear of passing true love, fear of missing moments and angels tears. Releasing and knowing that the decision is right, for this moment has reached its height. No regrets, vision forward. This moment now, is a certain beginning of lasts breaths death. Energized with enlightened awareness, ready to take flight. Finding truth, holding gratitude, dancing with tranquility. Inner peace grows while attachment dissolves and judgment takes flight. Honoring the divine self and freeing the inner child, lifts a heavy burden of one karmic cloth.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Life is to be lived not labored...

Life is just beginning. Enjoy the journey.  Embrace change. 

With each breath peace begins to grow

Divine timing dances with lessons. Choices and paths cross for seasons or reasons. Separation leads to thoughtfulness and deep rooted awareness. Chances of destiny are seen with the heart and smoldered by ego. Beauty and joy lay the perfect path; as the foundation settles potholes and jagged edges anger the once sturdy floor. Long suffering and too much wear give a sudden halt. Healing happens as  the momentum is stilled, stronger and stronger the soul starts to shine. Inner wisdom is learned and the orchestra harmonizes within. Grand moments of clarity shine bright. Thankful for crystal moments, and  thankful for dense fog lifting. With each breath peace begins to grow.  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Madame destiny is a perfect choreographer...

Echos of memories are a relay team, each pass off the baton is dropped. Clinging, wishing too hard and false sense of desire lay a path to nowhere. Jumping for joy and an earthquake suddenly destroys the ground below. Strong winds lead a hungry fire to a  thunderous ocean. A duel of sanity and truth, only one will prevail. Unrelenting in the quest for love, true love will find a way. Madame destiny is a perfect choreographer, each moment she is perfectly aware.  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Listen with your heart

The web of life entangled with heroic duties gives ego the test of will power and perseverance. The climax of an opportunistic mind set never dissipates and always strives. Amnesia flashes while forgetting the present. Recognizing world peace starts at home and conquering mind over matter. Reaching for the moon, soaring with eagle and one with the universe. Silence becomes a best friend and spirit grants peace. The tight nit cluster of angst is determined to win, only patience and self love can defeat this test. Deep rooted ways and learned consciousness give a choke hold to even the wisest.  Attachment always wins if your mind can not be free. When the old no longer applies recognition has to be seen by all. In the most honored and loving way releasing attachment brings in infinite abundance. Abundance comes in forms not always thought of. Open your mind, silence your thoughts, listen with your heart, see with new vision and embrace change. No time, no judgment, and no plans can ever prepare you for fate. Your true destiny is within. Don't think just do. Follow your heart it takes you where your supposed to be. Fear is a mask mostly unrecognized. Layer upon layer masks change and veils are lifted. Each one, when given to ether, allows joy to rise.  Stubborn thought patterns and ways of life are cemented with tradition. Tradition gives ego a false sense of security. Embrace change feed the soul. Stubborn thought patterns keep the divine from being fully embraced.  You will never know how amazing the next moment will be unless you free fall with gratitude and let go. Infinite possibilities lay before us. Let the divine soul guide and enjoy the ride. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Simple questions lead to endless oceans...


Finding your way through impassable terrain. Seeing your destination, but stuck in the worlds longest traffic jam. Time is a word with too much attachment that begs to be released for answers to be found.  Reality meets dreams and the combo is called life. Well thought out in head but the lips cant part and the mind goes blank. Comprehension comes in flashes. Peaks and valleys of raw emotion are strangling. The spiritual meets material. Internalized confusion starts hyperventilation. Peace comes to the rescue but internalized shyness keeps dreams from becoming reality. Frustration invites ego to play. The blue lotus radiates, as angles sing till they are summoned. Combination of circumstance and outgrown thought patterns keep emotions tightly sealed. Answers, visions and epiphany's seep through the minds eye teasing reality. Finding balance and releasing judgments.  Cognitive releasing is a burdensome task, as lower vibrations are released confusion of what fuels the soul makes the journey stagnant. Cycles and cycles annoy the present moment. Clues to finding the lions roar in the deepest part of self is slowly being learned. A glimpse of what could be ignites the spark of spiritual strength. Joy is only yawning patiently waiting to be boisterously free. Future ambitions cloud present growth of self, and leads to a perpetual regression. Recognized lessons wait for our actions to prove learned  reactions; perpetuating the souls beautiful journey fueling a healthy new progression .  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The beautiful master piece we call life...

The perseverance that grows is the expanding consciousness.  Fighting for love, fighting for the known souls essence. When ego stops the vigorous search, spirit places a gift in a divine place within. Humbly  acknowledging and gratefully accepting. Reasons unknown, but conscious of the divine nature. Deep inside this knowing wants to be told and understood, but each spirit has their own journey and their own lessons. Entangled karma must be loved even if its from a distance. The deeply woven roots of existence and connections in the web of life are not always meant to be understood. Piece by piece the eternal life's puzzle slowly and methodically starts to fit. The ability of making sense of this will not come faster than spirit will allow. Divine timing and the grace of God allows one to makes sense of the beautiful master piece we call life. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Madame destiny creates fate and destiny, whats left is human free will

Releasing a block means we are conscious of the block. Some come up and easily dissipate into the infinite well of healing. Other blocks come and rearrange our sense of self, the more we start to acknowledge and heal, the more we learn that the block we thought we grasped was only the beginning...

Fear, emotions, and ignorance keep us from healing. Cycles and lessons make themselves known, not necessarily when its most convenient.  Divine timing isn't always aligned with ego time.

Acknowledging, accepting, embracing, loving and the want to resolve the block (s) is the first step in the healing process. A block can feel like walking through a beautiful door only to find out when you open this door you are standing on a cliff about to take a step, a free fall to the unknown. Invincible armor of fear immediately attaches dimming the light that was just ignited.

Curious light starts to peek and wants to play, triggering an acknowledgment and an awareness of the colossal block. Realization of the complexity and vastness of unresolved karma and lessons starts a torturing session.

Sometimes a block or lesson is understood, sometimes patience seems to be in a deep slumber.

Free will is the key. Free will and the want to heal.

A hurting heart is the deepest wound. No medicine, no magical pill. Learning to let go is the most painful experience humanly possible, and a lesson that comes with truly unconditional love. Madame destiny creates fate and destiny, and whats left is human free will.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Love always finds a way...

Through trial and error, ebb and flow, peaks and valley, high and low, one will always grow. Through the journey of of life with twists and turns, every corner is a highlight or burn. Making a choice to see the light gives the ego a chance for fight or flight. Love finds a way, and will beg to stay. Listening to the heart gives one the ability for a brand new start. When a one in a million chance comes along, follow your souls song. Breathing letting go, and your spirit will always know. Divine timing in its mysterious ways, paves souls essence to the right way.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Reflective Motivation...

Reflective motivation and perseverance tip toes, and timidly spies on the eager waiting soul to recognize the ebb and flow destiny. Patients slowly settles and creates a halo of determination. Dense fog of lower vibrations are side swiped by inner light and loving strength. Thoughts wrestle and battle, the energy explosion clears the path to freedom. Silence follows the new etched way. Confusion settles and mother earth purifies. Gratitude creates blissful awareness.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Thunderous remorse is in war with despair. Angry lightning bolt after lightning bolt attacks raw emotions straight to the heart center. A sacred dance of soul lessons are all felt at once. Hazy purpose lingers and happiness is a distant shore. Looking back, fighting for air, and struggling to keep a float. Thick cloud thoughts are suffocating. Panic stricken anticipation of not knowing when the last breath will be overrides all sense of security that took decades to build. Demoralization brought on by self. Undeserving of this life, gratitude lost and forgotten easily- disappears- gone forever for this lifetime. Knowing madame Karma has big plans, ego hides, runs, then becomes a dark secluded corner of darkness never to be found. Lifelong built peace and wisdom trickles to the unknown. Fighting for even a drop of life's lixor is self defeating- a lost cause- undeserving to even think of this life source. The light dwindles, wind fades, and all senses lost. Unconsciously somewhere deep, breath is kept alive by a fading memory of hope.