And the journey continues...

This is one of the most exciting days ever... Keys in hand in about 2 hours for our new store/shop/pampering/boutique (don't know what to call it yet)... Haven't been this excited since Mineral Sisters got a tax id... For the record... we have very little product, very little money, very little resources... We have have a lot of faith, we have have a lot of heart, we have amazing intentions. So far its been an incredible ride and guided. There has been many, many times of lost focus and no understanding. The little light has never gone out, it has dimmed for sure. With the love, guidance and perseverance Mineral Sisters will be the most amazing adventure by only allowing the love, light, and positivity in. I will only allow abundance and beauty surround me. Like attracts like, I want everyone with amazing intentions and heart to flourish... Everything done for the higher good- to make the world a better place will blossom. We will succeed. Plus working isn't really working anymore- Get to play all day everyday! :) I am grateful to be around the most amazing and gifted people.
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