2 women starting a new business with gemstone energy jewlery, and surrendering themselves to the higher good... we are letting this journey take us where it wants to go...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
You cant actually say it because that puts a limit or condition on it... The feeling is infinite an expression of the divine essence, powerful, genuine and the goddess within. Graceful with gliding elegance. Soothing with a known confidence. Inner peace, confidence and perfectly orchestrated movement. Seductive enchantment, authoritative yet gentle and wise and understanding. Influential, pure and this body is A temple. Perfectly synchronised amethyst energy relaxes, with seducing sliding and rolling menthol waves that energise. Pure bliss of lavender and rose aroma, a goddess posture, and hawk vision. Time standing still yet many places at once. Affirmations from source, ego tucked then buried. The Divine is welcomed with an open AND true loving heart. More newness, the less you fear the deeper you go. How incredible and miraculous each second. New indescribable senses, hi-def and dreams in new unseen colors.