Expand your horizons

What if we all were meant for something completely amazing? What if life was a game? You were giving certain tasks, certain talents, specific goals and you keep going till you get it right. If you don't try new things you will never know your full potential. There is an infinite amount of things to explore, taste and to just blow your mind. Why not take a guitar lesson, cooking class, pottery, quilting, archery ect. Why don't we just go to Australia, Egypt, Peru or Iceland. Instead of thinking so much should I, should I??? Don't think just do!! Have fun, explore. Explore not only external, but find yourself internally. Know what makes you feel good, what fills you with joy; find the ambition in yourself and expand your horizons. If you don't like something or a situation don't do it. If you feel obligated to go somewhere, or do something that takes all the fun out of it. Be honest with yourself and with people. You have one time to make yourself as happy as possible, for as long as possible. If there is drama, take yourself out. Everyday find something new that makes your heart and sole happy. Do something everyday for your body. Live your life happy and honestly...