Wednesday, June 9, 2010

When you have heart, you have it all

The perfect meditation, perfect bliss. Fill yourself with light so much it bursts out rainbow's!

Our deepest fear of not being good enough is not actually the fear. The fear for most is realizing we are are powerful, we are talented, we are beautiful, we are amazing, we have it in us to do the most incredible things. It is our fear of being completely amazing that keeps us from our potential. Why cant we be Einstein, Michelangelo, Divenchi, Martha Stewart, :) Beethoven, Mother Theresa, Lincoln, Jesus, we are all one. Each one of us has the ability to do anything and everything. It's our fear that we might just do an amazing job. Its our fear we just might succeed beyond anything we expected. We are the little engine that could... I think i can, I think I can... All the secrets are all around... Its within YOU