Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is here

Fall tiredly retreats as spring proudly and thankfully takes her place energised with blessings from angels. To follow is springs rejuvinating and intoxicating life force...

Thursday, March 18, 2010


As we grow, we evolve. When slow and steady progress is being made, do not be concerned that nothing much is happening outwardly. Goals will be reached when the time is right. Slowing to a turtle pace requires us to have patience and faith that the universe will provide what is needed. If you push fate and try to reach your goals prematurely, you will not enjoy the full bounty of success. The tasks will not be completed properly and you may burn yourself out by forcing the process. Slow and steady assures that your goals are grounded and that you will in fact have the energy and perseverance to reach the desired goal. Learn to enjoy simple pleasures in life. Living moment to moment allows us to build up our reserve of inner strength, and teaches us to become centered and grounded. This is a gentle reminder to establish boundaries between what we are and are not willing to experience. Balance what you receive with what you give back to the world.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Learning To Love....

The birth/re-birth process is one of pain, focus and incredible transformation. The birth itself brings a feeling of joy and reward for our hard work and effort. Through this process, you may find your soul mate or ultimate life partner. Energies of the hummingbird are all around as the purest love blossoms in heart. Have the courage to share this with others. Let the emotion flow through you, feeding your very essence with the life giving force of unconditional love. Love has often been compared to a miracle. The power of love has been known to heal even the deepest of wounds and to give people the power to accomplish amazing things. Do not worry about the future of relationships. Follow the path of your heart and see where it takes you. Once we have been touched by the miracle of unconditional love, our lives are never the same again. The moment we place any conditions on our love, it represses rather than rejuvenates us. Learn to give love selflessly, not for any rewards, but just out of pure joy of giving.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Fragile twigs gently bend holding new blossoms waiting for spring, they listen to the song of winter passing. As the song of spring rises the twigs from a strong oak tree perfectly form a picture frame of hazy mountains. Darkness tiptoes from above, the weight above pushing the golden topaz rhythmically and gently down, golden topaz gives one last effort and dances with the heavy darkness; swirls of moonstone and amethyst glow then turn violet; onyx wins and all that peeks through the frame are shadows of the perfectly formed mountain outlines, the moon hummmms and a heavy trance follows, the powerful magic rays sedate, not even the strong oak fights... everything is silent and peaceful
Energises all chakra's, then turns negitive energy into serenity

Beautiful day

Another beautiful day, waking up and seeing the sanskrit and cotten candy sky swirled with topaz sun... so serene, thankful for the experience and the view.

Today is all about clensing, good intentions and meditation...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


i see the intricate design of the trees and the predestined path of the fallen leaves... i feel the wind tap at my chins then ask permission to radiate through me, i feel the vibration of the earth then hear silence, see the beauty of mother nature, i breathe in the cleanliness of pure energy and am surrounded my magnificentness, i see the due drops dancing and glistening on the blade of grass the tips radiating with the humming of the earth, the clouds ever changing, chasing each other, then come to a complete stop to smile and bless everything beneath, i see the patterns in the bushes an endless maze and the delicateness, i sense the aura and feel the beauty, every tree proud, loving the sensation of the roots stretch, getting stronger and confident every second... every fallen leave: brave on their journey sensing the path before them... the tickle of the ants adventure on the brittle bark, the protective nature of the tree, encompassing the new life of a freshly made nest holding new life, so much positive energy everywhere... raindrops float and purify then graze my skin, little magnets purifying the sole, surrounding raindrops giving vitality to everything they come in contact with, a squirrel tiptoeing on crisp leaves is all i hear, i feel powerful rays of sunshine racing to be the first to warm my skin and energise my sole, earth containing its power is slowly releasing life force... a blanket of silky moss thrives and changes hundred shades of emerald and lime... the connection beneath is unbroken and inseparable all this happens while time tells its secrets of the delicate eternal balance the vastness of the Sapphire sky is stretching, in a corner clouds are bouncing then form an angel, my guardian angel who is looking over me... a mile away a flicker of light touches a milky puddle of ignored water, my eyes passed down a rigid hill, through strong proud trees with intricate branches, over giddy water and under a tired bridge, the little glimmer of light is a miracle my path is to see as many of the ignored miracles as i can and be thankful for every one