Saturday, September 14, 2019

Transcendence Consciousness and Transformation of Essence to fulfill Souls Destiny, Raising Humanities Collective Consciousness to Manifest a Humanitarian Family

The Journey of the soul; a transformation of essence during a spiritual awakening by tapping into the streams of transcendence consciousness fuels a spiritually inspired creative expression to manifest and fulfill the souls destiny in the cosmic plan.

Wholeness lies in experiencing the whole of creation. Combine all discerned spiritual truths and surrender to the renewal,  embrace spiritual truths, and surrender to being open to something greater. 

Compassion is the key to enlightenment. Awareness of diversity and  awareness  of inclusion is a destined component for fulfillment of life’s purpose and eternal bliss.  The existence of cosmic energy is fueled by conscious creation. A sacred power that provocatively dances with the souls essence and patiently waits for humanities triumphant destiny and supernatural gifts to create just peace, a peace beyond human understanding. Challenge spiritual perspectives to meet life's challenges and egos insecurities, pass the divine tolerance tests. 

A key to humanities sovereignty starts with intentions for service to others and finding a life purpose that brings authentic joy on the souls journey to create new beginnings. Starting with the Millennialls intention and faith, cultivating hope that's inspires the  restoration of mother earth and humanities divine union, always with intentions for the highest good. Hope stimulates humanities spiritual rebirth in fulfilling humanities destiny of healing and unity. The infinite in the finite. Experience the fulfillment and spiritual fullness of divine service, relish in the blessed sweetness of spiritual connection, honor the sacred spiritual inner truths and higher wisdom and inner  knowledge. Practice compassion for each and every soul, respect life, feel and embrace pleasure without attachment. 

When a spiritually liberated consciousness manifests self realization an excelleraction of mastering spiritual enlightenment becomes all encompassing, spiritual understanding comes from a humble awareness in the spiritual zenith and inner knowing that everything is connected to the infinite stream of divine essence and spiritual connectedness. prophetic glimpses give hope and consciously creates reality, an awareness simultaneously connected to humanities conscious creators, co creating and fulfilling the spiritually inspired divine plan.  

Prepare for the awakening,  acknowledge the spiritual journey, embrace love and creatively express divine inspiration with intentions for the highest good. Dance with the rhythms of life, ebb and flow with the cycles of birth and re-birth, acknowledge everything is energy and the only thing that is constant is change.  Within the cycles there is a constant birth and death of lessons evolving the souls spiritual growth and evolution for higher revelations and spiritual truths. 

Spiritual development comes from the  transformation of the mystical mind, an inner guidance, it is a known felt  destiny, inspiration creates a sacred balance of the spiritual and material. Consciously aware of a mission to raise humanities vibration, service is key and should be spiritually motivated and spiritually led.

Oneness of the  sacred connection gives empowerment to knowing wisdom, truth and insight that is constantly feeding faith for life's purpose on the journey of life, this feeds courage to take action from the divine inspiration. Stagnation and procrastination are results in lack of faith. Prayer size is proportional to the faith realized, faith is in proportion to genuine belief. Belief is unwavering, all knowing, no compromise, an inner knowing that is  spiritually inspired. Discovering the unknown and exploring choices steer life’s direction and path while attaining spiritual wisdom and gaining truths. Exploring life's path and purpose gives true power and energy to spiritual conscious manifestations.

Self forgiveness from introspection and repenting allows for compassion to grow for self and for others, comprehending and fully understanding love with divine guidance and spiritual discernment. Spiritual awareness begins with awareness of spiritually and consciously discernment of magnetized spiritual energy from source and comes in many forms. Creative manifesting energy activates and consciously creates for the highest good with perfect spiritual discernment and no judgment or agenda. 

Powerful teachings are essential creative energies that helps to fulfill the souls and humanities destiny. Visualize inner peace and set intentions for spiritual goals to create the foundation for your destiny; values, attitude, faith, ideas, desires, vision, drive, and believes they all  need to be intentionally fed with spiritual intentions for the highest good; an innate common spiritual goal is to attain unconditional agape love and save humanity with your unique gifts to uplift and raise humanities spiritual vibration. Using gifts for the highest good will allow humanity to evolve spiritually into divine beings of light, welcoming us to the source of  our true divine essence.

An extraordinary awareness from source stimulates thoughts that feed spiritual insights leading to the souls ultimate experience and divine path and souls purpose on this journey; expediting humanities future is a supernatural gift.  Inspiring others with pure intentions gives illumination and hope for a growing perspective for all to receive; with gratitude, joy and the awareness of the infinite life force, a cosmic energy and knowings of humanities destiny of infinite abundance. Harmony, serenity, peace and compassion, agape love, and tolerance make up the source of sovereignty.  

The souls truth is the purpose for this life's journey, a conscious evolution, a sacred responsibility, an innate passion. Spiritual advancement gives a renewal to awareness of conscious manifestation of a visionaries path fueled by cosmic consciousness visions. The spiritually connected consciousness taps the power of ultimate reality to achieve vitality and a soulful recharge, renewing and awakening the spiritual creative doormat energy actively creates a way to fuse all spiritually discerned unions and connections.  Spiritual awareness is fed by awakened spiritual energy that's fueled by spiritual (conscious and unconscious) manifesting creative energy. 

Hope fuels divine recognition so the soul can rejoice with discernment in spiritual fulfillment and rejuvenate in the triumphant knowing of life's purpose. Accelerated spiritual strength and  passion lead to prophetic visions and victory. Divine thoughts for humanities future give illumination to the path and unfoldment for evolution of the collective spiritual awakening.  Revelations of spiritual truth that are known from the heart intelligence.  Integrating access of the infinite wisdom with a spiritual manifestation consciousness intention and creatively expressing the revelation is a flow, a trust , a certain confident  freedom of synthesizing information from an inner knowing always for the highest good.

Absolute divine inspiration from the powerful creator awakens your divinity and knowingness of your unique part in humanity evolution. Spiritual understanding is a supernatural gift.  The combined ways of the souls journey ebbs and flows with the universal divine pattern,  rhythmically harmonizing energies moving along with divine timing on the divine plan for creating the way for things to manifest and transpire the way it is planned from the creator- a wake up call for humanities synergy of divine collective consciousness and enlightenment energy.

Humanities supernatural potential gives clarity for humanities path and focused energy to fulfill cosmic order that starts with the souls developing intuition, promising new beginnings and a future reality that harmonizes with the world peace vision. Acknowledging with humility spiritual gifts will help accelerate your souls unique part in humanities journey towards Just Peace.

Lessons from learned truths and innate spiritual values instinctively guide actions for the highest good. A powerful force from spirit feeds the souls joy and fuels an inner knowingness and vision for a victorious spiritual journey, lovingly leading soul to enlightenment. Faith & hope manifest visions of humanities unity and attaining world peace, perfect heath, and healing on all levels. 

Delight in the beauty of the divine and spiritual learned truths, let spirit sing and find an outlet of spiritual expression. Each authentic expression is a clue, an inspiration that leads you to your authentic spiritual self and moves humanities collective consciousness forward. Combine humanities creative spiritual expression with discernment that is the key for understanding humanities spiritual collective attainment in spiritual wisdom. Creating a foundation of understanding for humanity to buildup is fueled by faith and hope.

It starts with a positive action, each souls puzzle piece is an invaluable part of humanities future. To accelerate the process we need to honor, encourage, respect eachothers spiritual progress, encouraging the sharing of wisdom and gifts to put  together and fulfill the divine plan, always with intentions for humanities highest good.  Discern and embrace pleasurable energies from the universe that are given from source.  The cosmic energy space and intelligence is waiting to be consumed.

Transcendence consciousness reveals healing, enlightenment and understanding to spirituality & metaphysics and  co-creates the souls longevity & vitality; always with intentions for the highest good and to express authentically and accurately to humanity to help form a foundation of universal awareness with humanities acceptance and discernment.

The Just Peace vision and journey gives empowerment and a knowingness to evolve and harmonize and to vibrationally resonate to receive the sources supernatural gift. The great mystery is the souls essence and guide to create for the highest good and to be a beacon of light that fuels the creative force to manifest Just Peace from a spiritually led INNER KNOWING and  developing wisdom while mastering and embracing spiritual gifts. A spiritual leader and discernment for the building of spiritual understanding from the created foundation from inner guidance connect to all souls essence from an inner knowing. Consciously embracing divine spiritual visions, mysteries will unfold and become clear that will invokes change that awakens new spiritual awareness that leads to souls full potential for creative expression on the souls journey in  life and purpose that's spiritually fulfilling.

Determination, ambition and removing the natural instinctual resistance to change develops a union and an encouragement to find hidden gifts and development for spiritual transformation, a divine wake up call for humanity to recognize all as brothers and sisters,  one family. Coping with the transition of change is eased by the acceptance of divine vision and groups of confirmed spiritual agreements for the cosmic vision plan.  Divine order is diverse, comprehensive, inclusive and always for the highest good.
Faith gives courage permission to step into the great mysteries confidently while consciously fulfilling a spiritually fulfilled destiny.  Spiritual energy is in constant flux and the balance of energy leads to clarity and open visions. Dance with the unity of the cosmic energy flow,  restore balance and rhythms with the divine cosmic flow that synerizes the souls essence. Consciously embracing the energetic dance and the divine plan that's created with intentions for the highest good. Thank the energy before it ends humbly with gratitude.

To move forward we need to release judgment, forgive humanity and its history to create a new start with a fair just spiritually inclusive foundation and clear set intentions for humanities journey and goal.  Acknowledge unbearable past, forgive the unforgivable and boldly move forward to a luminous extraordinary journey with a  future fuled by wholeness and self discovery.  Hold a space for conscious manifestation of world peace and all the needed actions  to get there. Pray each soul wakes up,  divine timing is not human timing. Each soul has a part in manifesting Peace for humanities unity. Achievement takes every soul, every sacred essence is a  birthed from creative spiritual inspiration to build connections and give direction and motivation. Transformation comes in transitions, that feed the souls vitality and raises spiritual energies that lead us on the path to Just Peace. Give permission to receive infinite abundance in all the ways possible, know you are a child of God, forgiven, and know you are worthy to receive. Only when you forgive yourself, repent and truly believe, only then you will receive.  Achievement of peace takes every soul and multidimensional use of gifts. 

Faith fuels societies potential for unity and creates a common purpose, a supernatural gift will be rewarded, a knowingness of rewards from heaven to help create a new earth.  Each soul needs to surrender to their unique path, releasing unneeded energies creating room for divine instructions on life's sacred journey. 

Humanity needs a foundation to connect too on all levels and have an agreed upon vision to focus on with a common goal that's spiritually driven to raise the collective consciousness and assimilate and synergie humanities spiritual diverse essences to attain humanities  supernatural gift of enlightenment. 

Spiritual empowerment involves boldness, bravery, and courage for use of full potential of gifts and new levels of spiritual attainment tapping into the flow of  infinite abundance giving life's journey meaning while being spiritually fulfilled. Conquered souls lessons create a breakthrough for eternal joy and bliss. Acknowledge all parts of the self, embrace the shadow, forgive sins and the past, spiritually surrender  to the divine journey and let your inner self guide the divinely inspired new path. You overcome by acknowledging lessons, growth happens from opportunities triumphed and spiritual  transcendence is automatic when the ego takes a bow, that is when soul goth and spiritual development become a beacon of light that feeds humanities  hope to consciously evolve. 

Embrace life's journey with gratitude and openness. Let the strength of the river guide you, the fire inspire and the wind blow you in the right direction. Invite uplifting spiritual vibrations, spiritual understanding, embrace wisdom and knowledge to find and pursue your personal path and truth. All beginnings come from an ending. Consciously and lovingly release and give closure to the past, and consciously and openly embrace a new future by acknowledging spiritual gifts, insights with awareness of  innate  constantly  developing and evolving talents  to share with the world and help you on life's journey that lead you to spiritual wholeness that creates a healthier community that focuses on the humanitarian family. 

Conscious of spiritual ecstasy and humanities ability for this supernatural creation motivates action for a plan for collective consciousness to start and express joy with divinities full potential and blessings. 

Spiritual wholeness is a leap of faith that requires expanded awareness that might bring growing pains and challenge current beliefs, this needs to be experienced to grow as a humanitarian family so we can have a collective focused energy and intention.  A collective consciousness births new life and sacred truth lead by intuition. Soul essence evolves with soul growth that accelerates spiritual lessons and force acknowledgment of the shadow self and all human areas ready for healing. Healing is a process, acceptance and faith are keys. 

Every human is a brother or sister, all consciously or unconsciously working on spiritual life lessons and finding ways to  express and heal on a soul level in a safe and accepting way. The soul weaves the strings of energy into the web of creation, inspiring the connection of humanities accelerated  manifestation to fulfilling the supernatural goal of humanities collective spiritual essence for infinite abundance.

The souls divine essence builds, guides and reveals your spiritual path and lessons to master, acknowledgement leads to  attainment of conquering emotional reactions and creating spiritually led actions in situations that build tolerance and reveal gifts to overcome obstacles that  fuel creative energies that create manifestations expressing  spiritual divine inspiration. Trust the inner knowing  of what to embrace, create, transform and what to acknowledge release and let go; what to birth and what dies, what gifts to use and talents to cultivate and be grateful for.  Pure intention and will of integrity forges a path of understanding of humanities interconnectedness of the complex matrix and the growing collective consciousness. 

Individually we need to acknowledge and faithful embrace trust of the inner knowing to utilize our full potential and create the journey to fulfill our souls destiny that ultimately leads to the fulfillment of humanities divine purpose: Humanities Healing & Just Peace. Individually our destinies intertwine, we can accelerate humanities unification goal by finding our individual way to serve by taking action from an inner knowing and with intentions for the highest good. Find a way to serve and with a developed intuition that is  spiritually led to serving others is your part in the divine plan.

Being consciously aware of a divine union, listen with your heart, life lessons progress with spiritual advancement. The divine source will balance with the law of truth. Grace is bestowed to all who love, forgive and strive for agape love and creatively express for all of humanity.  Spiritual truth evolves as  the souls journey transforms and evolves. Each transformation in the soul and humanity collectively gets us closer to the divine spiritual unification. 

Humility is life's redeeming power. The key to collective evolution is accepting the lens of cultural beliefs, wisdom and acknowledging each individuals soulful truth,  creating the unifying foundation and finding interconnectedness of all humanities collective spiritual truths, beliefs and gifts  help create a synergistic common foundation of knowledge of understanding - creating from a heart centered place with pure intentions and egos death, spiritually and consciously  from a pure place in the hearts wisdom center allows a birthing process to transform the collective perspective to form the new spiritual foundation start.

Thoughts shape life's experience and the world we know and the world we see. The content of thoughts manifest beliefs that lead to action on the souls life's journey.  Finding clarity brings purpose and direction on how to be of service using your unique gifts and  souls essence, your part in the divine plan and cosmic order.

If we want gifts, abundance, healing, vitality and visions we need to be thankful for them first, pray and be grateful for the present to be gifted with the eternal omnipresent supernatural energy and use of supernatural gifts. All energy is creative, thoughts, love, service, spiritual manifestation, actions, healing, and intentions. A spiritual magnet to source is a pure heart with pure intentions for the highest good- an infinite source inspires the pure in heart with pure intentions and intoxicates a hypnotic charm the ego and birth, death and rebirth of souls evolution and growing self awareness reaching for self realization. Overcoming means facing illusions that feed self limiting beliefs, spiritually rising above dense vibrational energy always forgiving with discernment and intentionally moving forward with the power of clarity for optimal future manifestations.

Spiritual pleasure leads to authentic joy, allow yourself to relish in the culmination of spiritual energies and divine inspiration that is creatively expressed for the souls spiritual enlightenment and pleasure.