Saturday, September 14, 2019

Transcendence Consciousness and Transformation of Essence to fulfill Souls Destiny, Raising Humanities Collective Consciousness to Manifest a Humanitarian Family

The Journey of the soul; a transformation of essence during a spiritual awakening by tapping into the streams of transcendence consciousness fuels a spiritually inspired creative expression to manifest and fulfill the souls destiny in the cosmic plan.

Wholeness lies in experiencing the whole of creation. Combine all discerned spiritual truths and surrender to the renewal,  embrace spiritual truths, and surrender to being open to something greater. 

Compassion is the key to enlightenment. Awareness of diversity and  awareness  of inclusion is a destined component for fulfillment of life’s purpose and eternal bliss.  The existence of cosmic energy is fueled by conscious creation. A sacred power that provocatively dances with the souls essence and patiently waits for humanities triumphant destiny and supernatural gifts to create just peace, a peace beyond human understanding. Challenge spiritual perspectives to meet life's challenges and egos insecurities, pass the divine tolerance tests. 

A key to humanities sovereignty starts with intentions for service to others and finding a life purpose that brings authentic joy on the souls journey to create new beginnings. Starting with the Millennialls intention and faith, cultivating hope that's inspires the  restoration of mother earth and humanities divine union, always with intentions for the highest good. Hope stimulates humanities spiritual rebirth in fulfilling humanities destiny of healing and unity. The infinite in the finite. Experience the fulfillment and spiritual fullness of divine service, relish in the blessed sweetness of spiritual connection, honor the sacred spiritual inner truths and higher wisdom and inner  knowledge. Practice compassion for each and every soul, respect life, feel and embrace pleasure without attachment. 

When a spiritually liberated consciousness manifests self realization an excelleraction of mastering spiritual enlightenment becomes all encompassing, spiritual understanding comes from a humble awareness in the spiritual zenith and inner knowing that everything is connected to the infinite stream of divine essence and spiritual connectedness. prophetic glimpses give hope and consciously creates reality, an awareness simultaneously connected to humanities conscious creators, co creating and fulfilling the spiritually inspired divine plan.  

Prepare for the awakening,  acknowledge the spiritual journey, embrace love and creatively express divine inspiration with intentions for the highest good. Dance with the rhythms of life, ebb and flow with the cycles of birth and re-birth, acknowledge everything is energy and the only thing that is constant is change.  Within the cycles there is a constant birth and death of lessons evolving the souls spiritual growth and evolution for higher revelations and spiritual truths. 

Spiritual development comes from the  transformation of the mystical mind, an inner guidance, it is a known felt  destiny, inspiration creates a sacred balance of the spiritual and material. Consciously aware of a mission to raise humanities vibration, service is key and should be spiritually motivated and spiritually led.

Oneness of the  sacred connection gives empowerment to knowing wisdom, truth and insight that is constantly feeding faith for life's purpose on the journey of life, this feeds courage to take action from the divine inspiration. Stagnation and procrastination are results in lack of faith. Prayer size is proportional to the faith realized, faith is in proportion to genuine belief. Belief is unwavering, all knowing, no compromise, an inner knowing that is  spiritually inspired. Discovering the unknown and exploring choices steer life’s direction and path while attaining spiritual wisdom and gaining truths. Exploring life's path and purpose gives true power and energy to spiritual conscious manifestations.

Self forgiveness from introspection and repenting allows for compassion to grow for self and for others, comprehending and fully understanding love with divine guidance and spiritual discernment. Spiritual awareness begins with awareness of spiritually and consciously discernment of magnetized spiritual energy from source and comes in many forms. Creative manifesting energy activates and consciously creates for the highest good with perfect spiritual discernment and no judgment or agenda. 

Powerful teachings are essential creative energies that helps to fulfill the souls and humanities destiny. Visualize inner peace and set intentions for spiritual goals to create the foundation for your destiny; values, attitude, faith, ideas, desires, vision, drive, and believes they all  need to be intentionally fed with spiritual intentions for the highest good; an innate common spiritual goal is to attain unconditional agape love and save humanity with your unique gifts to uplift and raise humanities spiritual vibration. Using gifts for the highest good will allow humanity to evolve spiritually into divine beings of light, welcoming us to the source of  our true divine essence.

An extraordinary awareness from source stimulates thoughts that feed spiritual insights leading to the souls ultimate experience and divine path and souls purpose on this journey; expediting humanities future is a supernatural gift.  Inspiring others with pure intentions gives illumination and hope for a growing perspective for all to receive; with gratitude, joy and the awareness of the infinite life force, a cosmic energy and knowings of humanities destiny of infinite abundance. Harmony, serenity, peace and compassion, agape love, and tolerance make up the source of sovereignty.  

The souls truth is the purpose for this life's journey, a conscious evolution, a sacred responsibility, an innate passion. Spiritual advancement gives a renewal to awareness of conscious manifestation of a visionaries path fueled by cosmic consciousness visions. The spiritually connected consciousness taps the power of ultimate reality to achieve vitality and a soulful recharge, renewing and awakening the spiritual creative doormat energy actively creates a way to fuse all spiritually discerned unions and connections.  Spiritual awareness is fed by awakened spiritual energy that's fueled by spiritual (conscious and unconscious) manifesting creative energy. 

Hope fuels divine recognition so the soul can rejoice with discernment in spiritual fulfillment and rejuvenate in the triumphant knowing of life's purpose. Accelerated spiritual strength and  passion lead to prophetic visions and victory. Divine thoughts for humanities future give illumination to the path and unfoldment for evolution of the collective spiritual awakening.  Revelations of spiritual truth that are known from the heart intelligence.  Integrating access of the infinite wisdom with a spiritual manifestation consciousness intention and creatively expressing the revelation is a flow, a trust , a certain confident  freedom of synthesizing information from an inner knowing always for the highest good.

Absolute divine inspiration from the powerful creator awakens your divinity and knowingness of your unique part in humanity evolution. Spiritual understanding is a supernatural gift.  The combined ways of the souls journey ebbs and flows with the universal divine pattern,  rhythmically harmonizing energies moving along with divine timing on the divine plan for creating the way for things to manifest and transpire the way it is planned from the creator- a wake up call for humanities synergy of divine collective consciousness and enlightenment energy.

Humanities supernatural potential gives clarity for humanities path and focused energy to fulfill cosmic order that starts with the souls developing intuition, promising new beginnings and a future reality that harmonizes with the world peace vision. Acknowledging with humility spiritual gifts will help accelerate your souls unique part in humanities journey towards Just Peace.

Lessons from learned truths and innate spiritual values instinctively guide actions for the highest good. A powerful force from spirit feeds the souls joy and fuels an inner knowingness and vision for a victorious spiritual journey, lovingly leading soul to enlightenment. Faith & hope manifest visions of humanities unity and attaining world peace, perfect heath, and healing on all levels. 

Delight in the beauty of the divine and spiritual learned truths, let spirit sing and find an outlet of spiritual expression. Each authentic expression is a clue, an inspiration that leads you to your authentic spiritual self and moves humanities collective consciousness forward. Combine humanities creative spiritual expression with discernment that is the key for understanding humanities spiritual collective attainment in spiritual wisdom. Creating a foundation of understanding for humanity to buildup is fueled by faith and hope.

It starts with a positive action, each souls puzzle piece is an invaluable part of humanities future. To accelerate the process we need to honor, encourage, respect eachothers spiritual progress, encouraging the sharing of wisdom and gifts to put  together and fulfill the divine plan, always with intentions for humanities highest good.  Discern and embrace pleasurable energies from the universe that are given from source.  The cosmic energy space and intelligence is waiting to be consumed.

Transcendence consciousness reveals healing, enlightenment and understanding to spirituality & metaphysics and  co-creates the souls longevity & vitality; always with intentions for the highest good and to express authentically and accurately to humanity to help form a foundation of universal awareness with humanities acceptance and discernment.

The Just Peace vision and journey gives empowerment and a knowingness to evolve and harmonize and to vibrationally resonate to receive the sources supernatural gift. The great mystery is the souls essence and guide to create for the highest good and to be a beacon of light that fuels the creative force to manifest Just Peace from a spiritually led INNER KNOWING and  developing wisdom while mastering and embracing spiritual gifts. A spiritual leader and discernment for the building of spiritual understanding from the created foundation from inner guidance connect to all souls essence from an inner knowing. Consciously embracing divine spiritual visions, mysteries will unfold and become clear that will invokes change that awakens new spiritual awareness that leads to souls full potential for creative expression on the souls journey in  life and purpose that's spiritually fulfilling.

Determination, ambition and removing the natural instinctual resistance to change develops a union and an encouragement to find hidden gifts and development for spiritual transformation, a divine wake up call for humanity to recognize all as brothers and sisters,  one family. Coping with the transition of change is eased by the acceptance of divine vision and groups of confirmed spiritual agreements for the cosmic vision plan.  Divine order is diverse, comprehensive, inclusive and always for the highest good.
Faith gives courage permission to step into the great mysteries confidently while consciously fulfilling a spiritually fulfilled destiny.  Spiritual energy is in constant flux and the balance of energy leads to clarity and open visions. Dance with the unity of the cosmic energy flow,  restore balance and rhythms with the divine cosmic flow that synerizes the souls essence. Consciously embracing the energetic dance and the divine plan that's created with intentions for the highest good. Thank the energy before it ends humbly with gratitude.

To move forward we need to release judgment, forgive humanity and its history to create a new start with a fair just spiritually inclusive foundation and clear set intentions for humanities journey and goal.  Acknowledge unbearable past, forgive the unforgivable and boldly move forward to a luminous extraordinary journey with a  future fuled by wholeness and self discovery.  Hold a space for conscious manifestation of world peace and all the needed actions  to get there. Pray each soul wakes up,  divine timing is not human timing. Each soul has a part in manifesting Peace for humanities unity. Achievement takes every soul, every sacred essence is a  birthed from creative spiritual inspiration to build connections and give direction and motivation. Transformation comes in transitions, that feed the souls vitality and raises spiritual energies that lead us on the path to Just Peace. Give permission to receive infinite abundance in all the ways possible, know you are a child of God, forgiven, and know you are worthy to receive. Only when you forgive yourself, repent and truly believe, only then you will receive.  Achievement of peace takes every soul and multidimensional use of gifts. 

Faith fuels societies potential for unity and creates a common purpose, a supernatural gift will be rewarded, a knowingness of rewards from heaven to help create a new earth.  Each soul needs to surrender to their unique path, releasing unneeded energies creating room for divine instructions on life's sacred journey. 

Humanity needs a foundation to connect too on all levels and have an agreed upon vision to focus on with a common goal that's spiritually driven to raise the collective consciousness and assimilate and synergie humanities spiritual diverse essences to attain humanities  supernatural gift of enlightenment. 

Spiritual empowerment involves boldness, bravery, and courage for use of full potential of gifts and new levels of spiritual attainment tapping into the flow of  infinite abundance giving life's journey meaning while being spiritually fulfilled. Conquered souls lessons create a breakthrough for eternal joy and bliss. Acknowledge all parts of the self, embrace the shadow, forgive sins and the past, spiritually surrender  to the divine journey and let your inner self guide the divinely inspired new path. You overcome by acknowledging lessons, growth happens from opportunities triumphed and spiritual  transcendence is automatic when the ego takes a bow, that is when soul goth and spiritual development become a beacon of light that feeds humanities  hope to consciously evolve. 

Embrace life's journey with gratitude and openness. Let the strength of the river guide you, the fire inspire and the wind blow you in the right direction. Invite uplifting spiritual vibrations, spiritual understanding, embrace wisdom and knowledge to find and pursue your personal path and truth. All beginnings come from an ending. Consciously and lovingly release and give closure to the past, and consciously and openly embrace a new future by acknowledging spiritual gifts, insights with awareness of  innate  constantly  developing and evolving talents  to share with the world and help you on life's journey that lead you to spiritual wholeness that creates a healthier community that focuses on the humanitarian family. 

Conscious of spiritual ecstasy and humanities ability for this supernatural creation motivates action for a plan for collective consciousness to start and express joy with divinities full potential and blessings. 

Spiritual wholeness is a leap of faith that requires expanded awareness that might bring growing pains and challenge current beliefs, this needs to be experienced to grow as a humanitarian family so we can have a collective focused energy and intention.  A collective consciousness births new life and sacred truth lead by intuition. Soul essence evolves with soul growth that accelerates spiritual lessons and force acknowledgment of the shadow self and all human areas ready for healing. Healing is a process, acceptance and faith are keys. 

Every human is a brother or sister, all consciously or unconsciously working on spiritual life lessons and finding ways to  express and heal on a soul level in a safe and accepting way. The soul weaves the strings of energy into the web of creation, inspiring the connection of humanities accelerated  manifestation to fulfilling the supernatural goal of humanities collective spiritual essence for infinite abundance.

The souls divine essence builds, guides and reveals your spiritual path and lessons to master, acknowledgement leads to  attainment of conquering emotional reactions and creating spiritually led actions in situations that build tolerance and reveal gifts to overcome obstacles that  fuel creative energies that create manifestations expressing  spiritual divine inspiration. Trust the inner knowing  of what to embrace, create, transform and what to acknowledge release and let go; what to birth and what dies, what gifts to use and talents to cultivate and be grateful for.  Pure intention and will of integrity forges a path of understanding of humanities interconnectedness of the complex matrix and the growing collective consciousness. 

Individually we need to acknowledge and faithful embrace trust of the inner knowing to utilize our full potential and create the journey to fulfill our souls destiny that ultimately leads to the fulfillment of humanities divine purpose: Humanities Healing & Just Peace. Individually our destinies intertwine, we can accelerate humanities unification goal by finding our individual way to serve by taking action from an inner knowing and with intentions for the highest good. Find a way to serve and with a developed intuition that is  spiritually led to serving others is your part in the divine plan.

Being consciously aware of a divine union, listen with your heart, life lessons progress with spiritual advancement. The divine source will balance with the law of truth. Grace is bestowed to all who love, forgive and strive for agape love and creatively express for all of humanity.  Spiritual truth evolves as  the souls journey transforms and evolves. Each transformation in the soul and humanity collectively gets us closer to the divine spiritual unification. 

Humility is life's redeeming power. The key to collective evolution is accepting the lens of cultural beliefs, wisdom and acknowledging each individuals soulful truth,  creating the unifying foundation and finding interconnectedness of all humanities collective spiritual truths, beliefs and gifts  help create a synergistic common foundation of knowledge of understanding - creating from a heart centered place with pure intentions and egos death, spiritually and consciously  from a pure place in the hearts wisdom center allows a birthing process to transform the collective perspective to form the new spiritual foundation start.

Thoughts shape life's experience and the world we know and the world we see. The content of thoughts manifest beliefs that lead to action on the souls life's journey.  Finding clarity brings purpose and direction on how to be of service using your unique gifts and  souls essence, your part in the divine plan and cosmic order.

If we want gifts, abundance, healing, vitality and visions we need to be thankful for them first, pray and be grateful for the present to be gifted with the eternal omnipresent supernatural energy and use of supernatural gifts. All energy is creative, thoughts, love, service, spiritual manifestation, actions, healing, and intentions. A spiritual magnet to source is a pure heart with pure intentions for the highest good- an infinite source inspires the pure in heart with pure intentions and intoxicates a hypnotic charm the ego and birth, death and rebirth of souls evolution and growing self awareness reaching for self realization. Overcoming means facing illusions that feed self limiting beliefs, spiritually rising above dense vibrational energy always forgiving with discernment and intentionally moving forward with the power of clarity for optimal future manifestations.

Spiritual pleasure leads to authentic joy, allow yourself to relish in the culmination of spiritual energies and divine inspiration that is creatively expressed for the souls spiritual enlightenment and pleasure.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Aspects of a heroes journey with pure intentions and a spiritually led dream… The infinite in the finite..

The infinite in the finite...

What does the seeker seek? Heightened awareness & creativity? Supreme grace? Visionary insightfulness and understanding of life lessons?  Spiritual wisdom and kindness is a good goal, with the ability and intention to be generous and kind.

Reminiscing life lessons & tests while gaining knowledge of spiritual gifts and striving for harmony will give a heightened spiritual awareness, abundant creativity and supreme grace from deep within, this is what I could find.

Sources of spiritual information and knowledge is found within?  Consciously striving for self actualization, trying to manifest authentic spiritual love with appreciation of nature, constant spiritual searching, always learning and finding ways to  express and create an authentic spiritual life that resonates on a soul level;  humbly celebrating spiritual achievements while learning lessons and finding the truth and wisdom in life's journey, always searching and manifesting my hearts desire.

Wishful enthusiastic dreams embrace the universe of  unlimited potential, striving to be a conscious creator and to embrace the loving creative forces of the  divine self, while exploring and listening for the intelligence of my heart to inspire.

Source of divine spiritual wisdom? My hearts desire &amp personal journey is finding my souls true authentic path,  divine essence and purpose.

Abundance, self worth, confidence and an open heart leads to experiencing synchronicity, with pure intentions and the  highest spiritual aspirations, divine guidance gives clarity to non duality with a dynamic action plan enhancing the souls purpose, faith & presence.

Where and how to access/find life's true meaning purpose? Intuition & determination leads to a new direction on a souls journey and spiritual path.

A solar force, an action for a future achievement gives boundless energy, a sense of protection, & a balanced energy field  leads to the power to transform and help raise the energetic collective consciousness, the source of this spiritual place is deep within you,  intentionally soul finds and creates a space to tap into that spiritual connection with your soul to communication with your higher self,  relax and take in all that is offered, intentionally soak up  the sacred wisdom of this  energetic matrix of a  bath.

What forms of help are available? Spiritual truths illuminate an inner voice of spiritual consciousness and triggers a knowing.

Higher wisdom is easily tapped; while intentionally striving for divine wisdom and knowledge to be known; soul communicates the deepest wisdom on a soul level that everyday intellect can access & understand; this spiritual practice creates hope for an unknown future; cultures with ceremonies give awareness to the nature of unconditional love and encourages all of humanity for a world peace celebration. Help prepare the  future self for  a feast worthy of reaping from my present day sowing.

Foresight? Fulfillment of desire from Spiritual love and vision.

Transformation and universal forces create profound spiritual growth, exhilaration with the challenge of discovery for life's purpose gives fulfillment with the highest loving intent: live peace, pray peace because intentional living from a peace heart creates purpose, peace is found in the spiritual authentic truth deep within that is divinely given.

In ordinary life sharing personal spiritual truths and learned wisdom with spiritual intent and integrity with divine energies vibrate higher and exponentially rise; so shine bright.

Creative potential and earthly love combine to create a mutual understanding manifesting universal spiritual energies and a sacred vision and  holistic view, seeing a bright hopeful future with the sacred heart space ignites the spiritual light.

Where does the spiritual  journey go next? The Goal: spiritual healing, triumph over lessons, & restoration for world peace.

A grounded transformation in higher truth and inner wisdom in the pure presence is  full of potential that leads to the highest understanding, harmony, right action  then leads to greater understanding for  powerful visualizations of a world living in agreement; continuing the renewal of peaceful intentions and humanities world peace living lease.

Protection for new a beginning starts with blossoming creativity; deep within starts a fresh new approach that triggers an inner healing response to be vibrationally and spiritually renewed & restored.

The infinite within the finite is cosmic consciousness, the interconnectedness to all; regeneration is in trancesdnece, and  giving is a  pure expression thats striving for  excellence and living life's true purpose while dreams and visions renew faith in life's purpose, truth from the Lord.

Where/how to access spirituality, wisdom and purpose? Deeper truths start to resonate and shine.

Inner guidance and strength with a desire for opportunity, knowing the heart is the ultimate source of guidance, trust the inner voice and harmonics of the heart for conscious evolutionary wisdom from the infinite source, no boundaries or set time.

Abundance? Vision, intuition, potential, unique contribution & an open heart.

An eccentric worldly visionary  effectively communicates with inner guidance from a place of gratitude and humility- with divine inspiration communicating with  universal love, and unity consciousness, the divine order plan is received from the spiritual energy heart part.

Support for independence,  discernment, overcoming today.

The epitome of peace and strength is courage, a quickening of creative energy creates harmony, and starts to  put to rest and solve the mysteries of cosmos and the planetary ray.

Needing to be healed? Sorrow and discovery,  acknowledging progress of life's learned consequences, lessons and tests.

Joyful fulfillment in creative expression leads to divine abundance and gratitude for many gifts- appreciation is key to enjoying fulfillment and embracing life's magic in receiving  Gods very best.

Passing away/rebirthing? Changes in: patterns, cycles, questions, and spiritual truths create a spiritual adaptation that resonates with on a soul level feeling.

Witness to omnipotent energy, my inner life balances the ego with purposeful self time, and grows the inner sacred intelligence to transform the  inner and outer dimensional purposeful needed healing.

Ultimate guiding force? Holiness, spiritual home, contentment, wholeness and divine transcending love.

Reflect on positive change, faith and potential to create the life of my dreams, living in abundance, finding life's purpose, unselfishly sharing and spreading the light given from above.

Whats holding me back? Past experiences, expectations. Let new revelations lead to victory, advancement and achieving all of life's goals, lessons and dreams.

Purify, clarify and learning all of life's joys and pleasures, renewing the connection to the divine self, a pure life force living in the supernatural multi dimensional  matrix, including self; a heightened awareness and fresh perspective give universal wisdom to the soul, a chance to be redeemed.

Obstacles to overcome? Hesitation, loyalty, love, balance & compromise.

A strong supernatural knowing and faith lead to a personal transformation, manifesting the hearts desire, using the talents to achieve a sustainable dream and a surprising stewardship on the rise.

Deepest purpose?  Transformation of souls inner sanctuary, integrity, understanding and living spiritual beliefs.

Passionate, fierce, determined and free, accelerated spiritual growth leads to evolution, opportunity, excitement & finding the inner lights to the visionary’s path to become a beacon of hope with conscious participation and spiritual relief.

Source of vision?  Divine inspiration, learning divine secrets & revelations in the soul essence.

A peaceful prophetic knowingness, an inner peace comforted with united energies encourage a dream and purpose filled heart and a spiritual intelligence leads to wholeness and a spiritual presence.

Strength?  Creative instincts are a catalyst for thirst in knowledge, wisdom, truth, and hope.

Inner vision, insight & intellect create a transmutation of loving energies, a  sacred responsibility  and a choice with no need to elope.

Finding the deepest most meaningful spiritual purpose and dedication? Clear a path for the journey, overcome and success will follow after the learned lessons and a little defeat.

Divine will and collective humanitarian service is the start of evolutionary consciousness that will align souls purpose, intentionally creating a purposeful project, promoting creativity and resourcefulness using spiritual wisdom, beliefs and truth that align with the soul, when done, the last checkmark will be done and the souls journey in this lifetime is finally complete.

Finding the hearts desire, knowing the souls purpose on this journey? Create Tranquility, intentionally manifest heaven on earth, the progress and spiritual satisfaction will not only be felt, but seen, because a  joyful spirits heart is vibrationally resonating at the highest possible human rate, all because we found how we are supposed to serve and joy will automatically radiate.

Sensitive/empathic, continual spiritual growth, emergence of spiritual and universal understanding leads to renewal and divine harmonics of the heart, so we mindfully and intentionally honor the inner sanctuary and refuge within, there is never a perfect timing only divine timing, never too early and never too late.

The Just Peace journey and the creative process brings true joy with excitement to serve, I have hopeful intentions  for a foundation,  a real start of a plan for World Peace in this part of histories  chapter…

I have confidence the millennials will want to be a part of something bigger then themselves, accomplishing what no other group of humans have at any time in history or place around the globe has ever done, the millennial will be a part of the world peace change initiative, they will succeed and share stories for generations and look back with laughter.



Sunday, July 14, 2019

The divine gift of faith-

God said write it down- the things not possible with man are possible with God. Believe with your whole faith and write it down and God will perform a miracle and the promises of God.

I believe there is a world free of the mundane petty human ignorance.
I believe there is world where we truly love one another.
I believe there is a world where no bellies are ever empty; disease, famine and sickness are only in history books.
I believe there is a world where racism, hate  judgment are only definitions in a dictionary.
I believe in a world where everyone is educated, valued, respected and honored.
I believe in a world where tolerance is fundamental and there are no needs for a ruler, laws or punishment.
I believe in a world where our moral compass is always pointed north.
I believe in a world where our gifts, talents and interest lead us to our gifts to share with the world; our service with a joyful heart, our life's purpose and meaning.
I believe in a world where each person has something unique to share with the world, and no persons gifs are more important then the other.
I believe we all are each other in many forms connected by spirit.
I believe in a world where mother earth is honored, respected and valued as the center of our life giving force.
I believe in a fair just society, living in Supernatural Divine perfect peace.
I believe in the gift of faith.
I believe in the supernatural divine gifts of grace, mercy and miracles.
I Believe in a new heaven and new earth.
I believe in 1 nation under God.
I believe in humanity
I believe in Peace &
I believe in God


Sunday, July 7, 2019

A Divine Nation of Peace; spiritually manifested from a creative thought deep within

Imaginations Vision-

Glory in bravery, eyes of faith, mind of god and steadfast determination. With Spirits grace and gifts of faith,  Gods approval of a seeking servant,  creates a divine dream saturated deep in the heart that stimulates the soul.  A constant courage and divine intuitive guidance for life's purpose is known deep in the soul. Recognizing eternal love, and compassion for humanity and all its people and living things, acknowledging unshakable faith and humbly receiving gifts while the soul and spirit merge in mind  & body with the spirit; igniting the souls divine essence. A growing awareness of  a faith filled destiny fills future visions with creating the social change I wish to see.

To start a nation gather all the refugees… 65 million, a sense of destiny starts to be born in the minds eye deep in the creative spiritual matrix of the imagination.

Creating a fair just equal system… no social classes, everyone is equal, all people are celebrated. People would be able to come and go,  always accepting all who wants live there; in peace. Gods will is the secret to happiness and everlasting joy. Spirit creates a powerful divine purpose with a radical vision of societal change. Understanding with our heart is the gateway to divine union.

All religions, languages, sexual identities, faiths, income or lack there of, marital status, all come together in the spirit of Peace with a  strong spiritual and diverse foundation. No army or military, if so, it would be an army to restore mother earth. It would be a sustainable living environment, equal education, health care and no ruler. No life is valued or worth more than another. Helping your neighbor is a priority because when those around you are lifted, you are too. Start community gardens and create educational curriculum pertinent to this time period,  create jobs as per peoples talents and societal needs. Create a community of Joy out of gratitude and faithful spirits. Creating spiritual diverse communities, celebrating all aspects of the divine. Blending the best of the past with the best of the new, to create the best future. Activating strengths, while overcoming fears to cultivate a unified culture spiritually driven.

Complex transition expectations for continuity and a sustained vision with direction will be eased with the balance that is found in the meeting of gifts and skills of all the people. Combined vision of peace and justice creates the new inclusive culture. Perseverance builds endurance that systematically builds pure will and cometary. A completed vision of sanctuary and the divine accomplishment of the people and their teamwork is done by Gods Grace.

With Gods Mercy, forgiveness and understanding, knowing each person is a child of God and with that understanding, a true just society can begin. Let mans deeds hence forth resemble that of the Lords. Gifts of the spirit are plentiful in a spiritually created community. Integration, inclusion and celebration of all people. Influential thinking is contagious. A divine unification and a soulful experience is experienced by all.

In the Spirit of truth and holy divine intentions a nation can be reborn. With a rejoicing spirit, tolerance is key.  A holy heart does not judge thy neighbor. Divine miracles for generations to come manifest with ease. Humbled spirits see with new eyes, hear with new ears and discernment is humanities gift. In great faith a new nation can be  built with everlasting, unshakable joy and peace. Strong emphasis on peacemaking and a commitment to the restoration of humanity and mother earth.  Transcendent supernatural balance and a future full of authentic hope greets each generation and is valued and honored with all glory to God,

A pure compassionate heart, with divine true intentions, with the courage of the sublime divine energies combine,  exponentially manifesting miracles.

Deep peace is an assurance of faith for the righteous when spiritual wisdom has been attained. A raiding light so bright from the divine leads to miracles of healing for all who are around. Hope and faith in the miracles and the greatness of God is felt by all. Healing and redemption is a hero journey rewarded with supernatural comfort. Abundance and the glory of God for all who believe. A nation will someday rejoice together in everlasting peace, a sort of heaven on earth.

A nation of joyful souls create a blinding light and rejoice in the blessings of spirit, and are supernaturally rewarded from faith.  A nation, a community, a family, receiving a kingdom that can not be shaken, salvation from heaven is a  gracious divine act that gives empowerment to all the  people of the nation.

A Sacred nation, faithful and blessed, a divine fulfillment of great works with purpose and blessings. A freedom found in new miraculous ways, national blessings from God in the fabric of life. Spirit leads and whispers, listen with an open and grateful heart. Balance and synergy create the essence of the nations new creation and unity that is valued by all. Unity is enhanced with a servants heart. Discernment of an illuminating vision with a peaceful mission is in the heart of its people.

Prejudice, bigotry, racism, poverty, and violence is all a distant memory for our children’s children to look back in dismay, while learning in their history class. This history gives a powerful spiritual significance for humanities future decision making process, and belief in divine inspiration and God sized dreams coming true.

When you are moved beyond consciousness you caress the beloved. When you move into the unknown, beyond everything, the beloved caresses you.  - Rumi

Friday, June 7, 2019

Invisible essence - spiritually liberated consciousness

A wordless awareness produces a state of bliss and steadfast wisdom. An intuitive voice deep within knows the streams of consciousness has been experienced.

A knowable distinction of consciousness is found through an internal journey, a development of consciousness reveals internal spiritual thoughts and vision - the awakened experience gives subtle aspects of divine distinction. 

Emotionally expanding awareness and experience expands the soul perception and understanding, divine aspects of the unconscious gifts start to manifest 

Spirituality is the other personality, a tug of war of ego and spirit dying and resurrecting, each time more and more intensely and longer times apart; then ego starts to become a memory and spirit guides the path - a clear understanding without any direction. 

Spirituality is seeing the big picture and all the little pieces and organizing those little pieces to express understanding in a fluid way that makes sense- Its hard to put all the pieces together. 

Spirituality is a felt thought, an authentic knowing and confirmation on your path, no two journeys are alike- we have to give space and encouragement in a safe and spiritual way to find our authentic selves. 

Spirituality is breath by breath, topic by topic, and  feeling by feeling- Spirituality is a mindful knowing and  an energetic connection that taps into a transcendence knowing thats deep into the creative matrix. 

Spirituality in an inward journey of meeting your authentic self  and struggling with all your will to move forward in time with the consistent knowing of a hero's journey - miracles  begin to manifest with the mustard seed size faith.

Spirituality is when your heart, mind, body and energetic system all align there is no questioning just knowing

Take what resonates and leave the rest- keep it for as long as it makes sense then let it go when it doesn’t vibrationally lift you up.

Spirituality begs you to authentically evolve and there is an insatiable desire to find purpose and divine understanding motivates action to evolve with higher levels of spiritual attainment. Mental self tries to grasp concepts that only the soul knows. 

Spirituality is attaining awareness and discernment and closing the gaps on mundane human reactions while being impeccable with words that align from a soul level feeling -  a very strong instinct develops when you are not aligning with your highest spiritual self.

Humility and genuineness are the gifts when you are ready to move forward spiritually 

Spirituality is creating a relationship with your soul and discovering your journey -

Spirituality is a hero's journey.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Authentic Theory on humanity and the spiritual heart to create the Kingdom of God

A healing system-  one size fits all to find our Universal Divine Spiritual Consciousness-

My theory and guesses- ???

Theory on healing

Light, sound and color are forms of energy and are all related, they are inversions, opposites, and energy examples -explained in different forms or “language”.  Human bodies are energy. Disease is energy vibrating inconsistently- dis-ease is disturbing homeostasis, non resonating energy is disease- Using variations and strengths and combinations of these energy forms, will execellerate the healing process, or initiate a healing process or stimulate a healing response on up to12 different levels.

My theory is that there is a way of measurement of the rainbow energy frequency output in the form or combination of light, color and sound. When combined in the right ratios an energy will happen that restarts, reboots; its a master resonating energy frequency, like a skeleton key in energy form, its   Universal, affects dimensional energizes and subtle energies, quantum energies and cellular functioning, our vibration and energy out put (aura) -to mimic a pure healthy energy, I believe that it will stimulate a chain reaction of healing.

Consciousness can be broken into 12 levels - there are 4 mini groups- 3 levels of consciousness per a group- creating: your consciousness make up, (components, aspects and perspective) and progression of consciousness… There are almost 100 vocab words for energy centers, relating to our body and healing- none are recognized or understood in the western culture and belief- the closest word is meridian (s) in Western understanding .

World healing can be broken down to 12 levels of healing, 12 forms of healing, 144 types (and counting, many types can be grouped together creating the 144 types), 12 levels of consciousness, basic body reaction diagnosing, 12 organic healing systems, completed by individual charts and readings, and combining body maps by layering and matching all energy center points and common body connections in each body part to pinpoint energy block (s) and figure out all the body parts that stimulate that energy point to trigger the correct neurons and start an authentic healing response(s) to the right area.

Theory on creating World Peace

Creating the kingdom of god is “just peace justice” a gods mercy and grace with an equally agreed upon meaning- 100% of the people are content and everything is fair just equal and true.

Align an attainable consciousness frequency - create, define and act from, speak from, and create from a World peace consciousness, that is the goal of Gods Kingdom.

Free from fear, disease, discrimination and judgment. Creating a place to honor and be our authentic spiritual selves. Creating a safe place that’s  diverse and everyone can connect with it on some level, something for everyone. Everything has equal value and agreeing on common knowledge  and same understanding.  Every consciousness level, every form, and every type of healing is available.

Validate, verify and agree on common understandings from the list of all institutes, partnerships, Leagues, associations, alliance, collations, foundations, net works, society's, fellowships, research learning centers, and academies and move forward.

Every heritage culture belief tradition and holiday is represented to lift the veils of illusions with intentions for a  social transformation to manifest for the highest good. Humanity is sourced by the universal order on sacred earth. Profound attainment of wisdom from sacred compassion of the heart  will subtly attain harmony and wisdom from the eternal wise who seek and see truth and the best of human nature to create an authentic humanity with a  universal world peace consciousness, then that is when we all will have attained true divine wisdom of the sacred spiritual heart - the kingdom of god- the chalice in the ark of covenant, we find our true divine nature, our sacred spiritual treasure chest. Universal spiritual divine consciousness, the bio electric energy of our  sacred  spiritual heart.

Fastest way to prove and verify my theory is to use my list of 500+ healing types send to all VIP's listed and every healing type that each VIP can verify and validate through their organizion signs off on each one- and shares how their information relates to each type- do this per healing type by the end of all organizations signing off  and sharing their speivc information you will see how many types are validated and verified and how they got their information from each organization and that each listed healing type has scientifically been proved in some way. Divine guidance:   get the right information from the right sources then it makes total sense and instant raise in total collective consciousness.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

connecting to spirit

An experience of illuminated awareness leads to a fragmented stream of consciousness. Profound changes in human consciousness leads to an extreme awareness continually being expressed symbolic of the essence of an act of grace.  The awakened awareness is an authentic spiritual transmission,  superior wisdom from a cosmic level is received with a developed intuition and integrated spiritual experience. Conscious awareness and waves of the higher frequency energy is physically felt bliss that leads us to evolve our awareness to a supernatural balance of serenity. The vibrational power of the cosmic rhythms give an illuminated awareness to the subtle evolutionary forces. A divine source of an ocean of light and consciousness is the center of spiritual bliss. Cosmic prana sources our divinity, originality, and uniqueness.  A powerful impulse from the vibrational power of nature and the cosmos is an intuitive language of the spirit that gifts us with divine inspiration. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Journey of Spirituality - an authentic and thoughtful perspective

Awakening, enlightenment, spiritual warrior, divine intervention, intuition, unshakable knowing, holy spirit, kundalini, the breath of life; there are so many names but how can such a limiting thing as language describe spirituality and the awakening?

A  spiritual being having a human experience is the fundamental evolutionary consciousness that leads to universal consciousness. Glimpses of discovered dimensions of the psyche give vital awareness to the divine essence of humanity. Truth beyond language is a cosmic energy, a pure consciousness that leads to humanity achieving spiritual awareness and humanities transformation. Cosmic well being and achieving enlightenment  is found by pursuing divinity. A spiritual ecstasy is found with spiritual life energy.

The journey of spirituality leads us to purpose and peace beyond all understanding. Religious and spiritual traditions try and put "it" in a box- each containing just a glimpse of the sublime true divine essence of GOD. Combining each tradition and all ancient texts/stories and picking out what is for the highest good manifests the divine doctrine of consciousness and how to create peace beyond all understanding and surpassing human consciousnesses. See the best in all things put it all together for the highest good. You know it is divine if it works and applies to 100% of the people.

Evolving to hold longer and longer to the glimpses of divine consciousness that give birth to transcendence. Veils of limitations are lifted while truths are illuminated. Aspirations and inspirations find souls purpose. A divine individual experience propels the human ego awareness and shifts to sublime visions that connect everything to the unity of God. A drive for creation and unity brings forgiveness, acceptance, understanding and the wisdom of life and all of its lessons. Awakening to reality and knowing the authentic truth, while being revealed the divine message of transformation for all of creation is expressed. Comprehension that cannot be expressed fully,  while glimpses give spontaneous inspiration thats unexpected and all-knowing, while a spiritual journey and message is revealed.

True spirituality is to be aware that if we are interdependent with everything and everyone else, then even our smallest least significant thought, word and action have real consequences throughout the universe. - Sogyal Ranpoche

Thursday, April 25, 2019

some of the best universal wisdom-

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside awakes. 

Let us seek the good and true and believe in them with our whole heart. You must learn to understand the secret of gratitude. It is more than just so-called virtue. It is revealed to you as a mysterious law of existence, in obedience to it we have to fulfill our destiny. 

Meaning is the thought energy that supports all our experiences and it exists in our unconscious and conscious mind. We have to look inside to find it. The more you search for meaning the more you will discover all the structures  that make up your mind, emotions and aspirations. Meaning is the currency of consciousness. Everything has meaning if you can find it. We are all translators and interpreters of meaning. 

Our entire adventure through this life time here on earth is an adventure in consciousness. Health and long life have a great deal to do with the electrical currents that course through the nervous system and tissues. Health and long life also bring us into direct contact with the idea of consciousness.

The life force residing within each of us must manifest itself through action in the world. We are what we eat as well as what we believe and think. A fascinating approach in healing the human body from the point of view of it being an adventure in an individuals total consciousness. 

The stronger your thought energy the greater your vitality and the greater your potential for spiritual growth. The first step in harnessing thought energy is to understand the power of negative thoughts and learn how to banish them.

Every person on this planet is connected by their thoughts to every other person. Each one of us can use thought energy to create happiness. True happiness is a balance of thought energies woven together so that they support each other and create harmony. Energies that pass from one individual to another bring healing, understanding, compassion, love, patients, and forgiveness. 

The most revered healing method is compassion.

Acceptance helps us to become empowered and self aware to communicate clearly and understand kindness. It is the thought energy that leads to compassion because as acceptance grows so does compassion.

Fire in the heart is transformed essence of thought energy waiting for skillful use through our emotions, intentions and actions, with its power we can work miracles. 

The gift of healing rests within everyone. It is not only a gift given to the few, everyone can receive healing and everyone can learn to heal. Everyone can give healing to themselves and to others. We need to use our creative minds in healing ourselves and to plan the process of healing. A host of methods exist to restore the body to normal functioning.

Health in whatever form it takes is a strand of thought energy that comes from love. Love is the ultimate medicine and the most effective healing thought energy that exists. The thought energy of love is humanities greatest gift to itself. For love can recognize itself in all things and in the worst and best of times love is always where we least expect to fid it. 

Dharma is your purpose as well as your individual path of self healing and self realization. Purpose includes the work you perform an the impact you will have on other people. It’s by following your dharma that you will learn who you are and what you are capable of achieving in this life. The Universe will support you when you follow your personal dharma by removing obsticles, and by giving you what you need to overcome life challenges. Intention and expectation of outcome guide our reality. 

Change our magnetic field alter our health. Man is essentially an electrically orientated being subject to change through vibrational influences such as magnetic fields and electrically charged substances. 

The only limits that you have are the limits which you have set for yourself in your own mind.

Balancing your life and creating well being means being willing to take charge of your own life and your health.

There is always a point where karma ends, this is the point where spiritual understanding occurs and the whole lesson is learned. (maybe thats why spiritual awakenings are more common after tdradigies and life altering events)

By observing the practice of virtue in all things we establish our integrity, which in turn brings pure thought energy into a state of consciousness recognition in our lives. As we observe virtue we look at ourselves in light of pure thought energy and discover that our life is living beauty.

In transcendence you understand everything comes from nothing and nothing is not a void or emptiness but an opportunity for consciousness to celebrate its connections. 

Veneration creates a divine and intuitive connection with other people, animals, nature and the spirit of life. It is a two way communication of the soul, a form of love that rejoices in the expression of the beauty of life and if its cycles, patterns, beginnings and endings. To venerate life is to acknowledge that you are in a state of perfect balance; it is a natural state within the heart of all people.