Thursday, September 16, 2010


I see a world of peace. I see a world where every person you see and meet are best friends. I see a world where every decision is always right. I see a world where currency is not a thing. A gardener, painter, doctor, house cleaner, and chef etc... all have equal importance - no job is better. If we work 8 hours, we work 8 hours, it doesn't matter what the job is we are all tired at the end of 8 hours. So whether you are planting a garden, cooking a dinner or performing surgery you have equal importance. The doctor needs to eat and the farmer needs stitches... I see a world where people are valued on all levels, and people love themselves and know they deserve to live and experience life to the fullest, and enjoy moments of being. I see a world where a certificate or degree doesn't make a difference. If someone passes with an "A" doesn't mean they are good at it. I see a world where all trades are handed down from the best, if you love something and are passionate and enjoy what you are doing, there is no stress to "have to figure it out" you just do what you love. I see a world where there is no judgement hate or jealousy; all non existence emotions. I see a world where every person you meet wants you to succeed and wants the very best for you and your well being. I see a world where everyone is an individual but is conscious of the whole. I see a world with fresh air you want your children to breathe and landscape that is so stunning it takes your breath away. Love thy neighbor because you are one.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



What would happen if for one week everyone did random acts of selfless things? Holding a door open, buying coffee for the person behind you, hand picking flowers, leaving encouraging notes, mowing your neighbors lawn; giving without expecting a single thing...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Compassion makes the world go 'round

Everyday interactions and conversations are inevitable. If we can go into conversations with an open heart and still mind, we can give the right encouragement and sincere self. We all have off times, sometimes we need to hold judgement back. We need to find out for ourselves the truth, and put ourselves in a persons position. Just because most think "it" true, doesn't make it so.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Reactions are just as important as our actions...

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein