Saturday, June 12, 2010


There is just an incredible amount of beauty, and awe inspiring panoramic views all around. Sometimes we need to take the long way to work. Sometimes we need to stop everything and just let the whirlwind of life pass us by. If we stay in calm miracles happen.

Enjoy the journey... what an incredible fraze. The journey of life, being everything and nothing. How can so many miraculous things be happening when doing nothing, and just being still. There is so much to experience and see. When doing nothing stop, look at a tree. Really look at it. See all the different colors, see the textures, feel the wind give you a hug. The world, universe, galaxies and beyond are all part of one big love bubble. We are lucky enough to breathe every molecule of that love. To see transformation and growth we get to experience miracles. Sometimes its 2-d, 3-d or like driving by a fence really fast. We have to try to stop to look through the holes in the fence, see the rainbows and look a little further. We can choose to see just the beauty in the most simple activity of plain stillness... watch the magik happen

Expand your horizons

What if we all were meant for something completely amazing? What if life was a game? You were giving certain tasks, certain talents, specific goals and you keep going till you get it right. If you don't try new things you will never know your full potential. There is an infinite amount of things to explore, taste and to just blow your mind. Why not take a guitar lesson, cooking class, pottery, quilting, archery ect. Why don't we just go to Australia, Egypt, Peru or Iceland. Instead of thinking so much should I, should I??? Don't think just do!! Have fun, explore. Explore not only external, but find yourself internally. Know what makes you feel good, what fills you with joy; find the ambition in yourself and expand your horizons. If you don't like something or a situation don't do it. If you feel obligated to go somewhere, or do something that takes all the fun out of it. Be honest with yourself and with people. You have one time to make yourself as happy as possible, for as long as possible. If there is drama, take yourself out. Everyday find something new that makes your heart and sole happy. Do something everyday for your body. Live your life happy and honestly...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Life is about enjoying ourselves..

Lighten up. Have fun. Breathe. Laugh. Play. Don't take things too seriously. Swing. Skip. Chew a huge piece of bubble gum filled with sugar like you were younger and chomp. Be a free spirit. Go on a merry go round and keep going till your dizzy, fall over and laugh. Today has no calories so eat whatever you want guilt free. Whistle, humm, sing even if your in a crowded place do your thing. Jump on your bed. Lie on the grass even if it is a little wet, look up at the sky and watch the clouds. Ask stupid question. Skip all day to all your destinations. Stop in at the pet store and play with all the animals. Take a nap as long as you want. If you could have any super power pretend you have it for a day and use your imagination and fly, use your super strength, or become invisible- what would you do with it- where would you go? Listen to your music as loud as you want. Jump rope. Tell everyone you see how beautiful they are and mean it. Tell yourself you are beautiful and mean it. ENJOY YOUR LIFE, CELEBRATE HOW AMAZING YOU ARE

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

When you have heart, you have it all

The perfect meditation, perfect bliss. Fill yourself with light so much it bursts out rainbow's!

Our deepest fear of not being good enough is not actually the fear. The fear for most is realizing we are are powerful, we are talented, we are beautiful, we are amazing, we have it in us to do the most incredible things. It is our fear of being completely amazing that keeps us from our potential. Why cant we be Einstein, Michelangelo, Divenchi, Martha Stewart, :) Beethoven, Mother Theresa, Lincoln, Jesus, we are all one. Each one of us has the ability to do anything and everything. It's our fear that we might just do an amazing job. Its our fear we just might succeed beyond anything we expected. We are the little engine that could... I think i can, I think I can... All the secrets are all around... Its within YOU

Head in the clouds

Have you ever followed your breath?... Close your eyes, pretend the aroma of your grandma's chocolate chip cookies is all around you; exhale, all the way, when you think all the air is out, exhale one more time. Slowly, very slowly, inhale that scent. Enjoy your breath and follow it. Does it reach your entire body and fill it from head to toe? Are there places your breath doesn't reach? Breathe...

Is everything hidden in such plain sight, and we just don't use our eyes or ears? Where did the fraze "head in the clouds" come from? There is something to that... and maybe if you "stop to smell the roses" you can see. The most important things can not be taught, so where exactly do these things come from? Being... just being. Take your shoes off, listen to Mother earth, she talks. Breathe and be, don't think just do.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little of this and little of that

Random thought day... Is the word faith a contradiction in its self? If you have a random thought, invention or new innovative idea that people think is not possible- its because they are not working with their full potential. Anything is possible... So Its better to try with trial and error, dedication and heart and fail; than not to try because there was discouragement. If you fail you had fun doing it and might get better ideas for future possibilities. If you succeed you can change the world.

If there are other dimensions do you randomly see them in third dimension? If your in another dimension how do you know what one your in. If there are 27ish dimensions do you just know? If everyone has it in themselves to manifest anything, everything and gifts, why do we only have certain one's and not all of them? Do we really choose our gifts? Do we choose to ignore aspects of our full potential?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Find the peace within yourself

Sometimes you can give yourself the best advice!! :)

Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Living in the moment

Getting over painful experiences is much like the monkey bars, you have to let go at some point to move forward.

There are so many beautiful and magikal things happening all around, all the time. When we can live in the moment and just be, you will see. There is not one moment while in this body that a miracle is not happening. When you open yourself to feel and experience, and are completely filled with love, and have let go of fear (fear is a very broad word), unimaginable, incredible, beautiful miracles will be all around, all the time. Blockbuster hits, writers and poets can not do it justice. Sing like you're in the shower. When you don't know the words make 'em up, and sing louder. Dance like you know all the steps. When you don't know the steps make up your own crazy amazing dance. Breathe, allow yourself to fully enjoy every breath. When you are having a perplexed moment, call a time out! Step outside, put your hands up, face towards the sun and slowly inhale. Breathing is beautiful. If there is no sun- that's great you get a two-fer! You get to dance in/with the rain, and breathe purified air!