Sunday, June 6, 2010

Living in the moment

Getting over painful experiences is much like the monkey bars, you have to let go at some point to move forward.

There are so many beautiful and magikal things happening all around, all the time. When we can live in the moment and just be, you will see. There is not one moment while in this body that a miracle is not happening. When you open yourself to feel and experience, and are completely filled with love, and have let go of fear (fear is a very broad word), unimaginable, incredible, beautiful miracles will be all around, all the time. Blockbuster hits, writers and poets can not do it justice. Sing like you're in the shower. When you don't know the words make 'em up, and sing louder. Dance like you know all the steps. When you don't know the steps make up your own crazy amazing dance. Breathe, allow yourself to fully enjoy every breath. When you are having a perplexed moment, call a time out! Step outside, put your hands up, face towards the sun and slowly inhale. Breathing is beautiful. If there is no sun- that's great you get a two-fer! You get to dance in/with the rain, and breathe purified air!