Saturday, July 10, 2010


This radiating ball of light, struggles with the amazing fight.

The fantastic war based on love, has many ascended masters and help from above.

Through many reincarnations, the world we know will have a huge transformation.

Sights seen and unspoken downloads are felt from many, the others will put value on the penny.

When we finally surrender and truly know, are gifts will grow and grow.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Amazing soles

Sometimes people are lucky enough to meet an awe inspiring, motivating, compassionate and true to them selves role model/friend. Lately, "this once in a life time" type people have been a magnet. Unexplainable. Its like being forced together in a good way. :) Its amazing when you only open yourself up for higher good. The key is gratitude. Not taking for granted any moment or situation. Amazing soles are just coming together with pureness, for oneness and wholeness. Life is fantastic, intriguing and just WOW!!! Thank you Carin you are amazing you are a true gift. Shelly words cant describe... how many talents can one person have? In the last couple months the most fantastic soles have been showing up! So beautiful... It's all so beautiful and words just don't do it justice. I'm sorry I forgot your name, but you also are so awesome!!! Good heart, genuine intentions and just radiate. Thank you for our brief minutes together, but every person you meet you change their life- you are true inspiration!

Knowledge, awareness and understanding

Mineral Sisters is growing and growing... so much fun and so thankful for the amazing journey, people met, and experiences.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Live life to the fullest

Embrace change, love fully, and live true to your sole self. Life is beautiful. To just be is divine.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Listen... Breathe... Remember...

Listening to the wind comb the grass... shooting stars... watching the light beyond the trees and following the horizon at sunset... inhaling and listening to mother earth... feeling her energy run through you and releasing, recharged and ready for the next moment... magik

Monday, July 5, 2010


To slow down. To breathe...
It's beautiful. Bask in the universal, unconditional love; for when we love, there is a lingering sweetness that illuminates our bodies and the environment. Continue to grow and expand. Love life. Live in the moment. Don't think, feel. Embrace life, and give thanks. Choose strength and happy living. Grace and love is all around.

Hope is God's love at work in our lives.

May all our journeys be loving and inspiring.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sometimes you have to give things a second look

So thankful to be present in such beauty. Miracles surround us, and divine moments are treasured.

Happy 4th!!!

So much to be thankful for, every breath, beautiful sights, blissful noises and wonderful smells. Lots of love, lots of light, lots of magik and great intentions being sent and received... Feeling the love