Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Journey of Spirituality - an authentic and thoughtful perspective

Awakening, enlightenment, spiritual warrior, divine intervention, intuition, unshakable knowing, holy spirit, kundalini, the breath of life; there are so many names but how can such a limiting thing as language describe spirituality and the awakening?

A  spiritual being having a human experience is the fundamental evolutionary consciousness that leads to universal consciousness. Glimpses of discovered dimensions of the psyche give vital awareness to the divine essence of humanity. Truth beyond language is a cosmic energy, a pure consciousness that leads to humanity achieving spiritual awareness and humanities transformation. Cosmic well being and achieving enlightenment  is found by pursuing divinity. A spiritual ecstasy is found with spiritual life energy.

The journey of spirituality leads us to purpose and peace beyond all understanding. Religious and spiritual traditions try and put "it" in a box- each containing just a glimpse of the sublime true divine essence of GOD. Combining each tradition and all ancient texts/stories and picking out what is for the highest good manifests the divine doctrine of consciousness and how to create peace beyond all understanding and surpassing human consciousnesses. See the best in all things put it all together for the highest good. You know it is divine if it works and applies to 100% of the people.

Evolving to hold longer and longer to the glimpses of divine consciousness that give birth to transcendence. Veils of limitations are lifted while truths are illuminated. Aspirations and inspirations find souls purpose. A divine individual experience propels the human ego awareness and shifts to sublime visions that connect everything to the unity of God. A drive for creation and unity brings forgiveness, acceptance, understanding and the wisdom of life and all of its lessons. Awakening to reality and knowing the authentic truth, while being revealed the divine message of transformation for all of creation is expressed. Comprehension that cannot be expressed fully,  while glimpses give spontaneous inspiration thats unexpected and all-knowing, while a spiritual journey and message is revealed.

True spirituality is to be aware that if we are interdependent with everything and everyone else, then even our smallest least significant thought, word and action have real consequences throughout the universe. - Sogyal Ranpoche