Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Repent and Rejoice

Fair just and equal, seeking humanities divine sequel

Building, constructing and Shalom, Peace within humanities new dome

Repent and heavenly rule, thy receives a wisdom of his jewel 

Meek, fairness and Praise,  keeps heaven on earth for remaining days

Self love paves all paths, with leads to souls divine bath

Fearfully and wonderfully made, I give well wishes as memories of past fades

Bless us O Lord, I will do unto your accord.. 

I praise you with all my heart, I humbly ask for humanities new start

Sunday, April 22, 2018


I believe 100% of us are innately good- we are born innocent, it is our circumstances and life situations that make our souls deviate from our divinity...

We need to create a society in which that allows us to operate in such a manor.

This is where the "truth" is somewhere in the middle:

I believe in the possibility of anything and everything, but when I hear a word or subject I instantaneously rate it 1-100 on the possibly, nothing can have a 0. Then I think of all the misunderstandings and interpretations of how it can be perceived, then I think about cultural attachment to the topic.

Free will is this gift and a curse. Right & wrong, ethics, good & evil, instinct and intuition; they all have a perspective line with a grey area gradient when crossed from one to the other. Then you add motives and morals, then you add consciousness level, knowledge then you top it off with wisdom...

In my humble opinion even with the best of intentions there is a form of corruption somewhere in most all worldly actions.

Until laws, rules, health care, education, housing, food availability, clothing, water and peace are the same for everyone, there will always be hostility, war, hate, and violence.

If I had to redo the world functioning I would restructure everything starting with medical. I would make preventive care top priority, universal and all pharmaceuticals would need two doctors to agree and a pharmacist to approve.

I would create the 5 fold super teams- they would be the correction and divine super hero's to save humanity and allow our following generations to live in peace and have a chance to experience heaven on earth.


The changes need to be free from corruption and monetary benefit. They need to be made with humanities best interest, free from political gain and selfish desires. 

water/ocean- (broken down to two)
animal (broken down to 6)
plant (broken down to 4)
social (broken down to 5)
legal (broken down to 3)
governing (broken down to 2)
disability awareness (1)
Judgment (1)

Every continent and every country, providence, city, and state; at least for a year would all concentrate on these same things. Call them causes, organizations, or non profits what ever. 

The 5 fold super teams I would create would be:

wholesome wise water warrior worship 
opportunistic ocean omniscient obsessed organization 

allegiance aided afflicted animal affirmative 
favored farm faithful fervent facilitative 
joint jungle juristic just judicial 
fearless forest fast fighting fiable 
sacred sanctioned savanna saints salvation 
worldwide willful wetland worthy warriors 

absolute abiding abundant  agriculture abroad
healthy humanitarian hallowed heavenly horticulture
blessed beholden balanced botanical botany
salable socialistic sentential sacred seeds

geographic generic genuine galvanizing governance
purposeful peace parliamentary particularized paramount 
edifying effective ecclesiastic education  economics
pursuing prolific punitive political purification
efficient ebullient ecclesiastical effective education 

joined just jesuitical judicial juristic
eminent educated earnest economic equality
functioning favorable favorable facilitate fabricated fairness 

leading liberal liberated legislative laws
pivotal peaceful philanthropic powerful policy

daily dynamical disability declaratory denotative 

joined just judgment juristic judicial 

How I would form these teams: collectively in the world see what is working the best,  and what is not working, then get the most educated people on these topics, complete the working topic to the best functioning most impactful possibility, always with 100% of people in the mind then implement and take action . 

I believe if we created these 5 fold teams- they are just names you can call it anything, but we need to create a more of a global inclusive humanity - think in divine consciousness to the best of our ability - or if "that was my kid'... 

If we can create a peaceful fair just equal and  inclusive world -humanity would be inviting heaven on earth with open arms.


just an idea with truth somewhere in the middle 

Monday, April 2, 2018

The fastest way to get the world in order

The biggest question is how do we get the world to all agree?

After the first initial world redo we need to re-evaluate systems laws and beliefs - throw out old, unused and irrelevant laws and rules.

As a world we need to scratch everything -basically invest everything  into 30 and younger -

First we need to get the world In working order -

Then make a plan so everyone is equal

Then every 5-10 years evaluate what’s working : laws - systems- beliefs

As time progresses changes will need to be made

First we need to triage the world :
Sickest, hungriest, and most poverty stricken populations with unmet needs get quick attention

(The people who want land or ownership or to rule whatever territory they want give it to them within reason- have them rule)

Country boarders passports immigration stupid outdated - anyone should be able to live anywhere and travel anywhere in the world- the “rulers” can mark their land those people can stay or go who live in the desired territory- People should live where ever they want

The more laws and rules and stupid permits licences laws and means the people of the land are not trusted... most are money making scams and time suckers that don’t benefit society

So maps should be updated with ruled territory (society members who do not want to make the world a better place)  and the rest of the world needs to come to an agreement that peace and restoration is the number 1 priority-

How do we heal the earth the fastest...

Once rulers have claimed whatever they want- then we agree on a global goal-

All environmental groups animal activists and  humanitarians triage their specialty and make funds available to fix what ever is needed -

All humans need housing get everyone housing transportation and food access and with that education on how to grow food, clean houses, care for the outside of house, house maintenence

People who want to keep their way of life leave them be if it’s not harming or doing wrong - on maps there territory is marked and if it’s functioning with no harm if people want to go to that territory we learn, respect and follow their ways...

All the rest of the land, which is a ton, needs to be environmentally sound... furtile

We need to stop all clothing production unless your job is a designer- there is enough clothes already for everyone - all china cheap crap stop - we need to stop most all manufacturing and concentrate on food health housing environment

Even cars stop being manufacured only hand designed cars -big ships stop

Rules for society need to be redone outdated systems - how do you do that -well look at current laws and rules keep only what’s working and what benefits at least 50-% of people

Mandatory volunteer - school is outdated we need trade schools - and school should only go to 6th grade -in those formative years as a society, what do we want our children to know that can’t be found from the palm of their hand

Where children learn we need to make the buildings beautiful landscaping nice good food have required parent involvement

Society needs to follow people until 30 to make sure needs are met

What jobs are needed to make society function - crappy jobs need to be treated with equal respect and “pay” how ever that ends up

Before having a child classes and education and hands on experience and counseling should be mandatory

Healing should be divided into 2 places and restructured - hospitals for just surgeries and pharmaceuticals  and real emergencies where your going to die or life is threatened- care and vitality centers with organic remedies and mental health need equal access where prevention care is #1 so we need medical wayyyyyyyyy less....

Find a way for all beliefs to be respected and honored

Can’t remember the name of the cars that everyone shares but if everyone could just use all cars no one would steal - every 30 days cars are maintained and switched (figure out a way for everyone to have transportation access to cars - sign up thing maybe) advertise safe clean Public transportation

After giving birth families should have 1-3 years of bonding -

We need to treat all children as our own- if you do not want kids or family every 3-5 years a 1 year sebatical - people need to enjoy their life- always mandatory volunteering no matter what or where

Every business has a volunteer spot or tons- people sign up to share their skill or talent - bring kids to work show them varieties of skills and busiensses what peaks their interest-

If people get sick or family emergencies happen - they can call a number and get food delivered, counciling, house cleaning

All mandatory or needed society businesses and services and restaurants and high level positions are required to triage every person under them- make sure needs are met the worse off people are catered too and if every person in an influential position took care of everyone under them then employee demeanor and moral would be higher-

All military should focus on planet restoration

We need to get all people off the street tiny Home manufacturing like crazy - fill appartments -

Kids education should include gardening- cultural understanding- hands on science -spelling - art- music - language - kids should have more individualised learning -

10% of all earnings (money, goods, food) should be invested into the community

This is a good start to fitting current times with current issues-

Leaders need to be picked a new way with new responsibilities and lead without monetary political Or alterior  motivation

People and environment then comes the fun stuff... after this gets straightened out free time and vacation and resting and enjoying should go up 10,000% at least and there will be less need for for the causes bc they will already be taken care of-

All we need to do is agree to make the world a better place and sacrifice as a world 1 year- after that it will exponentially be restored and functioning correctly- take care of the people and people will be able to function and be a contributor to society -

This is a good start ....

Monday, March 26, 2018

urgent request to rise in consciousness - shifting awareness for Peace

The souls blossomed wisdom is expressed through the divine treasure chest; while the front lines of humanity's understanding is tangible, created from a trance of harmony completed by tranquility and expressed at its best.

Courage is faith in action, letting the divine shine and wisdom inspires action to be the lions roar. The heart beat of Peace retracts from ignorance thats seduced by free will and humanities obsession with gore.

Stagnant society is confirming futures fate; let love be a reflection of your soul, not hate.

The sublime intelligence understands the consciousness thats damning   millennials sacred journey and all combined paths. False sense of happiness is lead by the ego, drowning in sorrows bath.

Profound cognitive awareness is suffocating by all of life's confusing lessons that constantly fan the souls flickering light; once inspired and full of hope and dreams now transformed into societies mold, hope is now a shadow, blind and transformed with the night.

Embrace the souls essence, divine connection, the subtle universal truth dancing with sound of existence, sacred messages from our soul reveal an ancient truth profoundly radical, persuading to shift is humanities gift; Heavenly spirit and guiding wisdom trying to encourage ultimate divine peace while giving society a much needed guided spiritual lift.

Humanities confusing reflection with outdated society ways seals the  souls sense of worth, now ego is completely gone; spirit once bright and full, now suffocating and drowning in the ocean of claustrophobic manifested hate, poisoned and drowned by hatred, disappearing at the first sight of don. 

Sincere, unique  action on our sacred journey, in pursuit of our dreams, perfection is revealed within the imperfection, letting go, releasing all chaos of the mind. Persuading, begging, warning from a soul level to try to teach a society consciously deaf and blind.

Humanities threshold and capacity for millennials to rise in consciousness is a flickering dull light. Raw and exposed, translating emotions with a confused soul, judged from ignorant and the blind, while urgent warnings become shadows disappearing in the night.

Determined to solve and pass this test; my soul is creatively communicating at its best.

Love VS Hate our personal sword in the stone, my souls authentic beauty undiscovered stands all alone... 

Hope or Cope?