Saturday, February 26, 2011

Experience perfection when finding ourselves

A feeling of contentment when the souls magnet is close. Embracing with imagination. Souls dance to natures lullaby. An eternal holding hands no matter the distance. Discovering, rediscovering, and growing. Dilemma's melt away, worry flitters its wings, then disappears, fear unknown, and fortitude is automatic. Concise steps always the right direction, always the perfect choice. The quest is perfection and thoughts clear. Experience's enriched and finding ourselves.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Perseverance dominates gracefully

Composer sling shots adequacy, then perfection's deep roots grab the antsy soul. Proud revitalization holds strong. The hearts flight tethers currents of the breeze, always feeling the wind blow in the right direction. Never looking back, but charging every future moment with courage and integrity. Embracing each experience with gratitude and heart. Living and being content and creating the actions, aware of reactions and staying free. Trusting guidance from self leads unwavering persistence. Perseverance and will dominate every obstacle gracefully, and the finale will be well earned, all lessons never forgotten.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Being free and releasing

Balance of the mind, body and spirit. Coming together; living, laughing and learning.... to remember, to know, and acknowledge. Letting go of random, and letting the amazing imagination turn all moments to pure of heart and mind. Beginning to understand the misunderstood, and reactions based on instinct. The start of freeing old patterns and responses.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Making all moments beautiful is a conscious choice

Ambiguous ever changing moments are continual opportunities. Curious discrimination of new thoughts make future moments and actions, the world a better place to be. Want is extreme when desire is heartfelt. Discovering heart pouring conditions and cultivating the unlimited joy, following a life long balancing of the conflicting. Assertion of life's journey leads to encouragement from self. Opening life's window, smiling, and breathing in fresh courage and strength. Elegance of living life is a choice, graciously and consciously having gratitude for all situations, and living all moments with heart. Making all moments beautiful is a conscious choice. Understanding and creating the domino effect of love and joy is contagious. Continual revitalization comes from every rain drop, every breeze, every kiss, and every breath. Living truth, accepting only open hearts and soaking up humor and laughing every moment possible.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Extraordinary achievement

An extraordinary person once said... "tell me I can not do something, and I will show you a thousand ways it can, and will be done." Believing leads to manifesting, pure heart leads to divine experience. Conclusion of life's purpose and meaning has been a constant jack hammer. An overwhelming conclusion: self love is a magnet that reflects. All holes are eventually filled, new ones found, and new combinations never thought of conceive the greatest achievement.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Creative consciousness, awareness and world peace

Hope and desire are exploring and developing. World peace starts with knowledge, and love in the heart; and believing the existence and grand possibilities are real. Start with desire and thought. The creative imagination can will all remedies. Extracting vocabulary of sick, wounded, war and no. Replacing thoughts with vitality, peace and love. Determination and concepts instilled early, just on a grander scale, are true fundamentals. Reduce, reuse, and recycle; simple. Give to others, donate, and volunteer. Stop with the thinking, and start with the doing. Lead by example. When hopes and wants, combine with actions and thoughts, world peace will be all that is known; living the reality we are meant to experience. This accomplishment leaves not one human behind. Starts with thought of goodwill. Starting small is a start, a beginning of a larger whole. A smile, a compliment, help with homework, even encouragement to a foreign idea. The actions and thoughts that created obstacles and current situations need immediate compassion, and new creative consciousness, starting with awareness.