Saturday, September 7, 2019

Aspects of a heroes journey with pure intentions and a spiritually led dream… The infinite in the finite..

The infinite in the finite...

What does the seeker seek? Heightened awareness & creativity? Supreme grace? Visionary insightfulness and understanding of life lessons?  Spiritual wisdom and kindness is a good goal, with the ability and intention to be generous and kind.

Reminiscing life lessons & tests while gaining knowledge of spiritual gifts and striving for harmony will give a heightened spiritual awareness, abundant creativity and supreme grace from deep within, this is what I could find.

Sources of spiritual information and knowledge is found within?  Consciously striving for self actualization, trying to manifest authentic spiritual love with appreciation of nature, constant spiritual searching, always learning and finding ways to  express and create an authentic spiritual life that resonates on a soul level;  humbly celebrating spiritual achievements while learning lessons and finding the truth and wisdom in life's journey, always searching and manifesting my hearts desire.

Wishful enthusiastic dreams embrace the universe of  unlimited potential, striving to be a conscious creator and to embrace the loving creative forces of the  divine self, while exploring and listening for the intelligence of my heart to inspire.

Source of divine spiritual wisdom? My hearts desire &amp personal journey is finding my souls true authentic path,  divine essence and purpose.

Abundance, self worth, confidence and an open heart leads to experiencing synchronicity, with pure intentions and the  highest spiritual aspirations, divine guidance gives clarity to non duality with a dynamic action plan enhancing the souls purpose, faith & presence.

Where and how to access/find life's true meaning purpose? Intuition & determination leads to a new direction on a souls journey and spiritual path.

A solar force, an action for a future achievement gives boundless energy, a sense of protection, & a balanced energy field  leads to the power to transform and help raise the energetic collective consciousness, the source of this spiritual place is deep within you,  intentionally soul finds and creates a space to tap into that spiritual connection with your soul to communication with your higher self,  relax and take in all that is offered, intentionally soak up  the sacred wisdom of this  energetic matrix of a  bath.

What forms of help are available? Spiritual truths illuminate an inner voice of spiritual consciousness and triggers a knowing.

Higher wisdom is easily tapped; while intentionally striving for divine wisdom and knowledge to be known; soul communicates the deepest wisdom on a soul level that everyday intellect can access & understand; this spiritual practice creates hope for an unknown future; cultures with ceremonies give awareness to the nature of unconditional love and encourages all of humanity for a world peace celebration. Help prepare the  future self for  a feast worthy of reaping from my present day sowing.

Foresight? Fulfillment of desire from Spiritual love and vision.

Transformation and universal forces create profound spiritual growth, exhilaration with the challenge of discovery for life's purpose gives fulfillment with the highest loving intent: live peace, pray peace because intentional living from a peace heart creates purpose, peace is found in the spiritual authentic truth deep within that is divinely given.

In ordinary life sharing personal spiritual truths and learned wisdom with spiritual intent and integrity with divine energies vibrate higher and exponentially rise; so shine bright.

Creative potential and earthly love combine to create a mutual understanding manifesting universal spiritual energies and a sacred vision and  holistic view, seeing a bright hopeful future with the sacred heart space ignites the spiritual light.

Where does the spiritual  journey go next? The Goal: spiritual healing, triumph over lessons, & restoration for world peace.

A grounded transformation in higher truth and inner wisdom in the pure presence is  full of potential that leads to the highest understanding, harmony, right action  then leads to greater understanding for  powerful visualizations of a world living in agreement; continuing the renewal of peaceful intentions and humanities world peace living lease.

Protection for new a beginning starts with blossoming creativity; deep within starts a fresh new approach that triggers an inner healing response to be vibrationally and spiritually renewed & restored.

The infinite within the finite is cosmic consciousness, the interconnectedness to all; regeneration is in trancesdnece, and  giving is a  pure expression thats striving for  excellence and living life's true purpose while dreams and visions renew faith in life's purpose, truth from the Lord.

Where/how to access spirituality, wisdom and purpose? Deeper truths start to resonate and shine.

Inner guidance and strength with a desire for opportunity, knowing the heart is the ultimate source of guidance, trust the inner voice and harmonics of the heart for conscious evolutionary wisdom from the infinite source, no boundaries or set time.

Abundance? Vision, intuition, potential, unique contribution & an open heart.

An eccentric worldly visionary  effectively communicates with inner guidance from a place of gratitude and humility- with divine inspiration communicating with  universal love, and unity consciousness, the divine order plan is received from the spiritual energy heart part.

Support for independence,  discernment, overcoming today.

The epitome of peace and strength is courage, a quickening of creative energy creates harmony, and starts to  put to rest and solve the mysteries of cosmos and the planetary ray.

Needing to be healed? Sorrow and discovery,  acknowledging progress of life's learned consequences, lessons and tests.

Joyful fulfillment in creative expression leads to divine abundance and gratitude for many gifts- appreciation is key to enjoying fulfillment and embracing life's magic in receiving  Gods very best.

Passing away/rebirthing? Changes in: patterns, cycles, questions, and spiritual truths create a spiritual adaptation that resonates with on a soul level feeling.

Witness to omnipotent energy, my inner life balances the ego with purposeful self time, and grows the inner sacred intelligence to transform the  inner and outer dimensional purposeful needed healing.

Ultimate guiding force? Holiness, spiritual home, contentment, wholeness and divine transcending love.

Reflect on positive change, faith and potential to create the life of my dreams, living in abundance, finding life's purpose, unselfishly sharing and spreading the light given from above.

Whats holding me back? Past experiences, expectations. Let new revelations lead to victory, advancement and achieving all of life's goals, lessons and dreams.

Purify, clarify and learning all of life's joys and pleasures, renewing the connection to the divine self, a pure life force living in the supernatural multi dimensional  matrix, including self; a heightened awareness and fresh perspective give universal wisdom to the soul, a chance to be redeemed.

Obstacles to overcome? Hesitation, loyalty, love, balance & compromise.

A strong supernatural knowing and faith lead to a personal transformation, manifesting the hearts desire, using the talents to achieve a sustainable dream and a surprising stewardship on the rise.

Deepest purpose?  Transformation of souls inner sanctuary, integrity, understanding and living spiritual beliefs.

Passionate, fierce, determined and free, accelerated spiritual growth leads to evolution, opportunity, excitement & finding the inner lights to the visionary’s path to become a beacon of hope with conscious participation and spiritual relief.

Source of vision?  Divine inspiration, learning divine secrets & revelations in the soul essence.

A peaceful prophetic knowingness, an inner peace comforted with united energies encourage a dream and purpose filled heart and a spiritual intelligence leads to wholeness and a spiritual presence.

Strength?  Creative instincts are a catalyst for thirst in knowledge, wisdom, truth, and hope.

Inner vision, insight & intellect create a transmutation of loving energies, a  sacred responsibility  and a choice with no need to elope.

Finding the deepest most meaningful spiritual purpose and dedication? Clear a path for the journey, overcome and success will follow after the learned lessons and a little defeat.

Divine will and collective humanitarian service is the start of evolutionary consciousness that will align souls purpose, intentionally creating a purposeful project, promoting creativity and resourcefulness using spiritual wisdom, beliefs and truth that align with the soul, when done, the last checkmark will be done and the souls journey in this lifetime is finally complete.

Finding the hearts desire, knowing the souls purpose on this journey? Create Tranquility, intentionally manifest heaven on earth, the progress and spiritual satisfaction will not only be felt, but seen, because a  joyful spirits heart is vibrationally resonating at the highest possible human rate, all because we found how we are supposed to serve and joy will automatically radiate.

Sensitive/empathic, continual spiritual growth, emergence of spiritual and universal understanding leads to renewal and divine harmonics of the heart, so we mindfully and intentionally honor the inner sanctuary and refuge within, there is never a perfect timing only divine timing, never too early and never too late.

The Just Peace journey and the creative process brings true joy with excitement to serve, I have hopeful intentions  for a foundation,  a real start of a plan for World Peace in this part of histories  chapter…

I have confidence the millennials will want to be a part of something bigger then themselves, accomplishing what no other group of humans have at any time in history or place around the globe has ever done, the millennial will be a part of the world peace change initiative, they will succeed and share stories for generations and look back with laughter.