Wednesday, March 23, 2011



D- Drive



E- Engage



I- Instinct

N- Never give up

A- Awareness


I- Inner Strength

O- Originality

N-Never Give Up

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moments empty the emptiness

The richness and depth of living each moment is a choice. A choice right now to reevaluate the current situation, look beyond artificial ego and inflated false beliefs of "shoulds." Sitting in silence and letting the inner awareness combine with absolute love finds a certain balance. Moments empty the emptiness, satisfy the divided and make way for new discoveries.

Monday, March 21, 2011

We choose the ease of transitions with new reactions

Sometimes in life the most difficult transitions only seem like the impassable Barron terrain. When in fact the obstacle is an illusion that self has placed precisely in the exact spot, at the exact time. Sometimes we need a second glance; a second slow breath. Then reevaluate our reaction, open our eyes; then the terrain that was once a torturous burden now becomes a graceful walk with the clouds. With each step the retrospect of first glance becomes humorous and confidence builds. There is nothing that can not be overcome, there are infinite lessons, we choose the ease of transitions with new reactions