Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little of this and little of that

Random thought day... Is the word faith a contradiction in its self? If you have a random thought, invention or new innovative idea that people think is not possible- its because they are not working with their full potential. Anything is possible... So Its better to try with trial and error, dedication and heart and fail; than not to try because there was discouragement. If you fail you had fun doing it and might get better ideas for future possibilities. If you succeed you can change the world.

If there are other dimensions do you randomly see them in third dimension? If your in another dimension how do you know what one your in. If there are 27ish dimensions do you just know? If everyone has it in themselves to manifest anything, everything and gifts, why do we only have certain one's and not all of them? Do we really choose our gifts? Do we choose to ignore aspects of our full potential?