Saturday, May 29, 2010

A vivid dream...

This is just a dream... I have a new theory the conclusion is, I wonder if all illness and dis-ease can be cured with light, sound and vibrations? We all know that certain elements zinc magnesium and so forth vibrate at a certain cycle per minute, when playing a note - example A then certain elements will vibrate harmoniously when the octave above A is played, when dis-ease or illness is present the vibration is in disharmony. So if we could play certain notes and cords and knew what elements in the body were off, could we cure dis-ease and illness? Light effects mood, example if someone is depressed some doctors will prescribe tanning- to get light... Certain vibrations are used like sonic care for your teeth... All this is completely natural its like we are all notes and are part of a huge symphony and orchestra... To be completely harmonized and perfect sync we all need to be at a perfect vibration...

Imagination... Einstein said imagination was more important than knowledge