Saturday, October 16, 2010

Positive snowball effect!!

Forgive and forget... do we ever really forget? At what point when we say we forgive do we really mean it? If we think about it again and have any adversity or negative connotations associated with the emotion brought out, did we really forgive? Or did we just give peace of mind and the knowingness of the words I forgive to the individuals involved, including ourselves? Life lessons come in all forms, emotionally, physically, socially, situations, thoughts, dreams, conversations; really every moment is a lesson being made or learned. Change is always constant, and when we apply that to "like attracts like"- the change in ourselves is also consistently changing- the like in ourselves is attracting the like in every moment. Its like a snowball effect. On our good days the like can explode with amazing situations, amazing people, mind blowing and thought provoking moments. The same snowball effect can go the other way. But if we can change our reactions towards our circumstances and situations, and be grateful for the challenge and opportunities presented, and be in constant awareness of true forgiveness and gratitude we can live in the the "positive snowball effect".

Positive affirmation of the day: I am intelligent. I am a leader. I make good decisive decisions. I am confident, and know I am beautiful inside and out!

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