Tuesday, December 7, 2010

By living, REALLY living life, wisdom blossoms

Why I appreciate you in my life... You blink and all clouds move from above my head. You add inspiration and light to life. "be yourself because everyone is already taken" - When we discover who we are, we can add a great uniqueness. It takes everyone's wholeness and individuality to complete one love. "Don't let the past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you become." In every trial and tribulation overcome, incredible growth of self happens. By living, really living life, and overcoming adversities, wisdom blossoms and you start to know your own truth. "Glory is in the attempt."
Thank you all for being an amazing part of this exponentially blossoming flower. Thunderstorms, great floods, and typhoons have almost uprooted this delicate flower. In all its delicateness the roots are firmly planted now, and no matter how large the storm may be, the sun is always remembered because of the light you shine...

Dedicated to Shelly, Brad and Mindy

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