Thursday, December 16, 2010

let the divine shine

Many infulences on society guide masses to an outcome that fits a select few views. Regulations and structrue of society is now just a habbit.

What if... What if there was a news channel that ran all day. This channel was pure humanitarian work. Stories of people doing good deeds. Real people doing real things. Showing the world there is so much goodness going on. If advertisement must be, then advertisements should be based on community service, homeless shelters, fund raisers, animal shelters and activities that better the world around you.

What if parents, grand parents and caregivers delved into the school system. What if more learning was hands on activities. Actively participating in real life scenarios. Field trips to learn about nature, science, history, art and music. Why do we cut the beautiful parts out first of children's learning. Music and art seem to go first, when for most children that is what they most look forward too. We all learn so differently why is our learning so structured? Why cant we structure and grow to individual students.

What if health care reached everyone. If health insurance is needed why are there so many restrictions? Who chooses what is covered? Who chooses how they are going to get sick? Why are we restricted on specific doctors, hospitals, and type of care needed? We all heal differently. All chemistry in our bodies are different and many meds are just a guessing game playing with the side effects and covering the real reason of illness instead of going to the root causes. So much money goes to these colossal pharmaceutical companies and will continue to do so if we keep covering up the real disease. Layer upon layer is laid, so layer upon layer needs to be healed. So many healing modalities are available and unknown.
We must heal ourselves before we can heal the world. Learning to overcome self destructive patterns and behaviors cleans us from the inside out. Hypothesis of lessons graced upon: let the divine really know they shine...

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