Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life and its treasures...

Things learned along the way... Most people have priorities just not in the same order as you. When you interrupt someone that could be the most important information of the day. Accept compliments. Do good: only because you really want to. Lessons are rarely in the form expected. You are the most important person to take of. You can always love yourself more. You are your biggest critique. Everyone in inherently good. Everyone shows love differently. Taste buds change. All sunsets are different. The most universal thing accepted is a smile. Attitude and reactions are choices that determine outcomes. Perception changes. Beauty is found when our eyes are shut. The little voice is there for a reason. There are no good-bye's only see you later's. Letting go is hard, forgiving yourself is harder. You never know who you are talking to. You never know who is listening. Negative thoughts create negative actions. Sometimes being true to who you really are is hard, but when finding that person, more people like that person than you think. Respect is hard to earn but easy to lose. When meeting someone you have no idea what they have been through, or the day they had. Treasure the good people in your life. When we expand our thoughts, and open our hearts the whole world changes. Its ok to be vulnerable. Take a good look at your life, and yourself, if you can say you like the person you are, and what you are doing, then you are doing something right and living beautifully; you single handedly are an accomplishment. Its ok to accept help. Common sense isn't so common. Breath. People come and go in your life, that is a gift, grab to memories, laughter and feelings. When something is beautiful say it out loud. When something touches you say it out loud. When you experience joy really experience it. Gratitude is learned. Loss is freedom. Ability to love and be loved is...

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