Monday, June 25, 2012

Listen with your heart

The web of life entangled with heroic duties gives ego the test of will power and perseverance. The climax of an opportunistic mind set never dissipates and always strives. Amnesia flashes while forgetting the present. Recognizing world peace starts at home and conquering mind over matter. Reaching for the moon, soaring with eagle and one with the universe. Silence becomes a best friend and spirit grants peace. The tight nit cluster of angst is determined to win, only patience and self love can defeat this test. Deep rooted ways and learned consciousness give a choke hold to even the wisest.  Attachment always wins if your mind can not be free. When the old no longer applies recognition has to be seen by all. In the most honored and loving way releasing attachment brings in infinite abundance. Abundance comes in forms not always thought of. Open your mind, silence your thoughts, listen with your heart, see with new vision and embrace change. No time, no judgment, and no plans can ever prepare you for fate. Your true destiny is within. Don't think just do. Follow your heart it takes you where your supposed to be. Fear is a mask mostly unrecognized. Layer upon layer masks change and veils are lifted. Each one, when given to ether, allows joy to rise.  Stubborn thought patterns and ways of life are cemented with tradition. Tradition gives ego a false sense of security. Embrace change feed the soul. Stubborn thought patterns keep the divine from being fully embraced.  You will never know how amazing the next moment will be unless you free fall with gratitude and let go. Infinite possibilities lay before us. Let the divine soul guide and enjoy the ride. 

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