Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Raw and Exposed

Raw and exposed. Emotions so fragile that are tarnished and wilted. What are emotions? What makes us feel? Why do we feel? What makes the soul dance and heart soar? How can we empathize and be compassionate if we are not in touch with ourselves.

Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.

Peter McWilliams

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”


If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

- Andrew Carnegie

Emotions are confusing, letting ourselves actually feel the emotion puts our soul in such venerability that its scary to admit to yourself: I'm sad. I'm mad. I'm jealous. I'm miserable. I'm not ok. I'm tired. I think recognizing your true raw self is a good place to start. Its almost taboo to let people know your true feeling, fear of rejection, ridicule or non-acceptance. I would make a bet if we put ourselves in a situation to expose our naked raw emotions people would actually empathize more, and feel the more real you. There are no right or wrong emotions, its just what is. Figuring why we feel the way we do is another thing...

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